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#1 2007-02-27 07:43:34

Registered: 2006-06-24
Posts: 10

Wireless connection randomly goes off

Hardware: Belkin F5D7050 Wireless USB (loaded through ndiswrapper)
                 Linksys WRT54G router

Network setup - I followed setup instructions carefully. In my /etc/rc.conf I have set it to load a network profile called 'wlan0'. This network profile is configured in another file '/etc/network-profiles/wlan0' as you probably already know. It loads up WPA Supplicant, sets the static ip and dns as well as loading up the wlan0 device (ndiswrapper). I have ndiswrapper set to load at boot time. All this works and I can use the net but after a short while it cuts out. I tried 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' followed by '/etc/rc.d/network restart' but to no avail.

At the moment I have to either reboot or go down the stairs and reset the router. At the very least I want a couple of commands that I can put in to a script to get the network back up if it does go off. Since rebooting seems to fix the problem I'm wondering what happens at bootime to the network that doesn't happen through reinitiating the network scripts with an /etc/rc.d/network restart? Even better would be if someone could point me towards the route cause of the problem. I got rid of dhcp for a static ip in the conf file. I doubt it is channel interference and I don't have a firewall other than the one built in to the router down stairs. Also my Mum's laptop wireless works fine. Please help it is getting on my nerves.

Last edited by joewhite (2007-02-27 07:46:15)


#2 2007-02-27 09:16:20

Registered: 2006-06-24
Posts: 10

Re: Wireless connection randomly goes off

Ok so I decided to get rid of WPA supplicant and network profiles. I'm trying networkmanger with the knetworkmanager gui instead. It seems to run ok but even though the daemon is set to run at boot time the internet doesn't connect until knetworkmanager loads up when KDE starts. This means that MSN pops up with errors because it loads before the knetworkmanager has a chance to load the net. Say I break x wouldn't this mean I'd have no internet from the console? Isn't there a way to get the networkmanager daemon to connect with my wpa info before KDE starts? I have a script setup that automatically logs me straight in to KDE so I don't have to type a username or password. Perhaps this is bypassing such functionality?

Last edited by joewhite (2007-02-27 09:20:47)


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