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Ok for some reason an online app I use for school will not run with Archs firefox package since it registers as Bon Echo or what ever it is. So I need to rebuild it and my question is what do I need to change so that the it will be names Firefox and not Bon Echo when you do Help--> About?
You don't need to rebuild it. Just use User Agent Switcher.
Good thought and I tried that but no dice. Granted it fools the login for this app but once in does not fool the actual app itself. I hadn't thought about swiftfox so I installed it and all is well. Would like to use archs firefox but until I know exact what to change so it actually compiles as the branded firefox I can't use it for these apps at school.
Rebuilding is easy. There is a thread about it already around somewhere. I saw it a few days ago.
The quick of it is that you need to edit the mozconfig file to include 'ac_add_options --enable-official-branding' without quotes. Rebuilding with makepkg will result in a properly named firefox. You've got to change one more step to get the proper icons and logos but I cannot recall that from memory.