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argh, well, I was just using epiphany, then all of a sudden it crashed, no worries I thought. So I tried to boot up Neverwinter Nights for a game, said it couldn't unpack module...hmmm. Rebooted and then gnome wouldn't come up properly. So I tried to edit my .xinitrc and it said couldn't write to swap file. But...everything works fine with root? I'm in gnome now as root :-s. So what has happened to my user? Any ideas?
Can't do anything with my normal user now. Dunno how this happened.
I had just installed flightgear as well....
well i'm back in Windows now
when I tried to bring up Gnome it said something XFB? or XKB? can't remember exactly what
I think it's got something to do with the swap file, since it says it can't write to it as user but can as root
I tried creating a new user but that didn't help
I'm not so worried about how to fix this, more about how it happened :cry:
can you post output of dmesg?
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
dmesg has nothing unusual in it
I tried to get into KDE and it said my home directory was out of diskspace...
arggh, but it can't be? is there a terminal command to check diskspace? I seriously doubt i'm out of space as I can get into kde with root ok
check fstab...
lilo etc...
Mr Green I like Landuke!
I had this prob once. The reason you can log in as root is because linux assigns a little free space to the root account in case you have to log in to cleanup your disk.
Try running the du command on some directeries in / and see which is full.
well you were right, now I gotta figure out where the hell 20gigs has gone :-s
heh, well I did my own compile of FreedroidRPG using pacman and the source and package came to around 800megs
so beware to anyone who wants to play FreedroidRPG
managed to free up 7 gigs by deleting crap I didn't need, quite embarrising really
Stop messing about & sort it
Mr Green
Mr Green I like Landuke!
$ df -h
$ df -h
excellant, cheers. Will remember that one. Exactly what I needed
everything is cool now
1. Not cleaning my recycle bin (about 4 gig alone)
2. Various source codes
3. About a thousand MP3's...which i've now deleted and am going to re-rip all as .ogg
4. /var/cache/pacman/pkg
And random crapness
it all adds up
3. About a thousand MP3's...which i've now deleted and am going to re-rip all as .ogg
Just did the same...
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though?
They're all resting down in Cornwall
writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition
of the Boy Scout Manual.
wakeupbomb wrote:3. About a thousand MP3's...which i've now deleted and am going to re-rip all as .ogg
Just did the same...
Fun isn't it!
Now I wish Ipods would support .ogg and i'd be laughing
I'm surprised someone hasn't written any good firmware replacements for it that support ogg. If you can put Linux on it, it should be easy enough...
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
- John Cage
I'm surprised someone hasn't written any good firmware replacements for it that support ogg. If you can put Linux on it, it should be easy enough...
You can put Linux on it, but it appears to be under heavy development.
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - S. Jackson