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#1 2007-03-15 22:00:03

Registered: 2006-11-29
Posts: 105

How do I update out of date package which is not mine?

I want to update this package:

Do I need to keep the previous contributer?
Do I need to replace him by me?

Do I not need to touch this at all since I do only a little changes?

And what if it become big changes?

Last edited by nadavvin (2007-03-15 22:01:15)


#2 2007-03-15 23:07:53

Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 443

Re: How do I update out of date package which is not mine?

Contact the maintainer about it. If he doesn't respond, you can ask a TU to orphan the package so you can take control.

EDIT: Or just change the package locally. Use a pkgrel of "local", so you don't confict with the version in the AUR if it's updated.

Last edited by skymt (2007-03-15 23:09:01)


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