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Is it possible to make it so I dont have to always type is su, then my pass to install things?
install sudo, edit /etc/sudoers with visudo, uncomment the wheel group line with the functionality that you want (password or no password), add your user to the wheel group.
sudo [commnand]
You could go the sudo route like Zer0 said, but it would probably be more trouble then it is worth if you have to type 'sudo' every time.
I don't think thats what he meant. Sudo is in the right direction anyway.
add this to /etc/sudoers (with visudo);
dylan ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pacman
Now, using vi is kind of confusing if it's the first time.
i = insert text before cursor
a = append text after cursor
o = open new line to insert text in
use escape to escape "edit mode"
then you can do ":wq"
to save and quit, or ":q!" to just quit without saving.
presto, pacman with sudo, but no password!
btw, be careful with things like this.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
vi and visudo are not the only way to edit the /etc/sudoers.
The file can also be edited with nano and works just as well as the other two. I've done it that way per years now.
Hope this helps.
listen, there's a reason people use visudo instead of nano, it's because visudo does syntax/error checking on sudoers before save+quit.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
pelle.k thank you, and thank you others. I put them all together and go it working.
Now, I just wanna know how to rename users.
Pages: 1