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#1 2007-02-08 20:11:26

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-11-11
Posts: 191

xchat update 2.6.8-2

Hi folks!

Don't know why nor how this update fucked up my "now playing" scripts for amarok. First script is this:

# amarok_xchat by sven kissner (aka chimaera)
# simple script to display the song currently played in amarok

__module_name__ = "amarok_xchat" 
__module_version__ = "0.2" 
__module_description__ = "python module for xchat to display titles playing in amarok" 
import xchat 
import commands

def amarok_send(word, word_eol, userdata):
    xchat.command('np: ' + commands.getoutput('dcop amarok player artist') + " - " + commands.getoutput('dcop amarok player album') + " - " + commands.getoutput('dcop amarok player title'))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command('amarok', amarok_send)

xchat.prnt('amarok_xchat v0.2 loaded..')

The error is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/sushi/.xchat2/", line 10, in <module>
     import commands
ImportError: No module named commands
Error loading module /home/sushi/.xchat2/

Second script:

#! /usr/bin/env python

__module_name__ = "amarok display"
__module_version__ = "1.0"
__module_description__ = "amarok display"

import xchat
from os import popen
from random import randint
import string
from urllib import unquote

def show_song(word, word_eol, userdata):

########################## CONFIGURATION ######################
#Written by Moobert and Eno_
##You can your own xchat colours in the song display by editing the below:
    info_name = 9
    first_bracket = 5
    second_bracket = 7
    song_info = 8

#then type;
#    to show the song information.
#/disrok help
#    to get a list of other commands.
#    Drop one of us a line on server, in #oldskool
    songdata = ''
    arun = 0

    def zeroadd(info):
        if len(str(info)) < 2:
            return '0'+str(info)
            return ''+str(info)
    c = [zeroadd(info_name), zeroadd(first_bracket), zeroadd(second_bracket), zeroadd(song_info)]
    def getinfod(info):
        return popen("dcop amarok default "+info,"r").read().strip()

    for line in popen("dcop 2> /dev/null","r").readlines():
        if 'amarok' in line:
            arun = 1
            if int(getinfod('status')) == 2:
                arun = 2

    def getVolume():
        if (getinfod('getVolume') == "100"):
            return "110"
            return getinfod('getVolume')

    def randn():
        return zeroadd(randint(0, 15))

    def getRating():
        score = int(getinfod('score'))
        if (int(getinfod('trackPlayCounter')) == 0):
            return "Not Applicable"
        if (score <= 20):
            return "Abominable"
        elif (score > 20 and score <= 40):
            return "Bad"
        elif (score > 40 and score <= 60):
            return "Average"
        elif (score > 60 and score <= 80):
            return "Good"
        elif (score > 80):
            return "Excellent"

    def getQuality():
        sample = str(int(getinfod('sampleRate'))/1000)
        bitrate = getinfod('bitrate').strip(string.letters + ' ')
        return bitrate + '/' + sample

    def getPlayCounter():
        if (int(getinfod('trackPlayCounter')) == 0):
            return "Never before"
        elif (int(getinfod('trackPlayCounter')) == 1):
            return "Once before"
            return getinfod('trackPlayCounter') + " times before"

    if arun > 0:
        if len(word) > 1:
            if word[1] == 'rand':
                c = [randn(), randn(), randn(), randn()]
            elif word[1] == 'vol':
                getinfod('setVolume '+word[2])
                print 'Amarok\'s volume set to ' + word[2] + '%'
                arun = -1
            elif word[1] == 'stop':
                arun = -1
            elif word[1] == 'play':
                arun = -1
            elif word[1] == 'prev':
                arun = -1
            elif word[1] == 'next':
                arun = -1
            elif word[1] == 'send':
                file = unquote(getinfod('encodedURL')).replace('file:', '')
                songdata = 'dcc send ' + word[2] + ' "' + file + '"'
                arun = -1
                print """
                Valid commands are:
                /disrok rand         Display amarok's currently playing song using random colors
                /disrok stop         Stop amarok
                /disrok play         Resume amarok
                /disrok prev         Play previous song in amarok playlist
                /disrok next         Play next song in amarok playlist
                /disrok vol <0-100>  Set audio volume in amarok
                /disrok send <nick>  Send current playing song to nick
                /disrok              Display amarok's currently playing song
                arun = -1

    if arun > 1:
        isplaying = 'me ' + c[0] + 'is playing:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3] + '"' + getinfod('title') + '"' + c[2] +' by ' + c[3] + '"' + getinfod('artist') + '"' + c[2] + ' from the album ' + c[3] + '"' + getinfod('album') + '"' + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        quality =  c[0] + 'Quality:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3] + getQuality() + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        position =  c[0] + 'Position:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3]  + getinfod('currentTime')+' of '+getinfod('totalTime') + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        volume =  c[0] + 'Volume:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3]  + getVolume() + '%' + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        played = c[0] + 'Played:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3]  + getPlayCounter() + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        score = c[0] + 'Rating:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3] + getRating() + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
        songdata = isplaying + ' ' + quality + ' ' + position + ' ' + volume + ' ' + played + ' ' + score
        if arun == 1:
            print "amarok doesn't seem to be playing..."
        elif arun == 0:
            print 'load amarok, or check that dcop is running.'

    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("disrok", show_song)
print 'Display amarok loaded, type "/disrok help" for a command list'

and the error by loading is this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/sushi/.xchat2/", line 8, in <module>
     from os import popen
ImportError: No module named os
Error loading module /home/sushi/.xchat2/

Any idea with that? Both scripts were working well before the update...

Album reviews (in german):


#2 2007-02-08 23:14:07

Registered: 2003-12-03
Posts: 1,664

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Hmm, great! I think this one got compiled against Python 2.5 from testing sad

You're running 2.4 from current right?


#3 2007-02-09 05:18:23

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-11-11
Posts: 191

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Yap! That's true.

Album reviews (in german):


#4 2007-02-09 10:29:28

Registered: 2003-12-03
Posts: 1,664

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Updated xchat to 2.8.0 now, built with python 2.4 this time wink


#5 2007-02-09 20:15:21

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-11-11
Posts: 191

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Thanks a lot, but in fact it doesn't help me any further with the problem. The first script loads without complaining but when typing "/amarok" simply nothing happens. No errors, nothing. The second script comes up with following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/sushi/.xchat2/", line 140, in show_song
     score = c[0] + 'Rating:' + c[1] + '[' + c[2] + '[' + c[3] + getRating() + c[2] + ']' + c[1] + ']'
   File "/home/sushi/.xchat2/", line 69, in getRating
     score = int(getinfod('score'))
 ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 91.000000

Last edited by Susu (2007-02-09 20:15:42)

Album reviews (in german):


#6 2007-02-11 12:33:29

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-11-11
Posts: 191

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Any ideas how to fix it or what went wrong? I like these scripts alot...

Album reviews (in german):


#7 2007-03-19 11:52:31

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-03-19
Posts: 1

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

I've got the same problem with disrok on ubuntu. After not finding a solution via google I changed it the folowing way. the decimal numbers for the ratings can't be treared as int therefore I changed the type to float.

Here's the patch.

<               score = float(getinfod('score'))
<               if (float(getinfod('trackPlayCounter')) == 0):
>               score = int(getinfod('score'))
>               if (int(getinfod('trackPlayCounter')) == 0):


#8 2007-03-28 02:01:13

Registered: 2006-10-17
Posts: 51

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

I seem to have a similar problem, but I don't see how the fix Rondom posted would be implemented in my case.  I had an mpd script that stopped working, and no other mpd script I could find would work.  They all had the same or similar problems.  Here is an example of an error I get upon attempting to load the script:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/eric/.xchat2/", line 19, in ?
     import commands
 ImportError: No module named commands
 Error loading module /home/eric/.xchat2/

The error is very similar to the error Susu posted, as you can see.  Here is the script:

__module_name__    = "X-Chat MPD_Info Script"
__module_version__    = ""
__module_description__    = "Prints Music Player Demon info"
__module_author__    =    "Michael Edwards <>"

# This is the MPD_Info Script, written by me ^^ ;)
# Features:
# You can Display the current song or the current radio  stream.
# The script detect, if it is a song or an stream, and toggle the output
# of mpd.
# Known commands:
# mpd         :displays current song/stream information in to the current channel
# mpd_stats   :displays the stats of the mpd server in the current channel
# mpd_play    :toggles between play and pause
# mpd_stop    :stops mpd from playing
# mpd_next    :plays next song, and jump to the beginning of the list if the end is reached
# mpd_local   :prints song information for you
import xchat
import commands

def    mpd_info_full(word, word_eol, userdata):

# Title full #
    volume = commands.getoutput("mpc volume | sed 's/volume://g' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/%/ %/'")
    notitle = commands.getoutput("mpc | wc -l")
    timetot = commands.getoutput("mpc --format '[%time%]' | head -n1")
    timeof = commands.getoutput("mpc | grep playing | tr ' ' '\012' | grep :")
    url = commands.getoutput("mpc --format '%file%' | head -n1")
    stream = commands.getoutput("mpc --format '%file%' | grep http:// | wc -l")
    streamtitle = commands.getoutput("mpc --format  '[%title% (%name%)]' | head -n 1")
    title = commands.getoutput("mpc --format  '[%artist% - %title%]' | head -n 1 | sed 's/ - $//;s/^ - //'")
    if notitle == "1": xchat.command("me is listening to -=(\002 defintiv nothing\002 )=-")
        if stream == "1":xchat. command("me is listening to -=(\002 %s - %s - %s\002 )=-" % (streamtitle, url, volume))
        else: title = xchat.command("me is listening to -=(\002 %s - %s of %s - Volume %s\002 )=-" % (title, timeof, timetot, volume))

    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("mpd", mpd_info_full, help="Prints MPD info")

def mpd_local_info(word, word_eol, userdata):

# Title local #
    title = commands.getoutput("mpc | head -n 1")
    print("you are listening to %s" % title)
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("mpd_local", mpd_local_info, help="Prints MPD info")

def mpd_stats(word, word_eol, userdata):

# Stats #

    title = commands.getoutput("mpc stats | sed '/^$/d; s/^/\002 ][ \002/'  |  tr -d '\n'| sed 's/$/\002 ]/g; s/ ]//'")
    xchat.command("me Music Player Demon Status: -={\002 %s }=-" % title)
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("mpd_stats", mpd_stats, help="Prints MPD Stats")

def mpd_play(word, word_eol, userdata):

# MPD play/pause toggle; it's a hack, cause I didn't find a way to include "mpc toggle". ;) #
    playing = commands.getoutput("mpc | grep playing | wc -l")
    title = commands.getoutput("mpc | head -n 1")
    play = commands.getoutput("mpc play | head -n 1")
    if playing == "0": print("mpd starts playing: %s" % play)
        commands.getoutput("mpc pause") 
        print("mpd is paused")
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("mpd_play", mpd_play, help="Prints MPD info")

def mpd_stop(word, word_eol, userdata):

# Stops MPD playing #
    commands.getoutput("mpc stop")
    print("mpd stops playing")
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("mpd_stop", mpd_stop, help="Prints MPD info")

def mpd_next(word, word_eol, userdata):

# Go to the next song #
    commands.getoutput("mpc next")
    notitle = commands.getoutput("mpc | wc -l")
    if notitle == "1": commands.getoutput("mpc play")
    print("mpd jumps to next song")
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
xchat.hook_command("mpd_next", mpd_next, help="Prints MPD info")

print    "X-Chat2 MPD_info Script [] by Zappi Successfully loaded!"

Sorry if this problem was already solved, but I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do to fix it.


#9 2007-03-28 07:00:45

Registered: 2007-03-21
Posts: 30

Re: xchat update 2.6.8-2

Do you have python 2.4 installed? Or just the 2.5?

python24 pkg might be your best friend..
At least worth trying wink


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