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Hello all:
I'm moderator of spanish community archlinux. We're changing the aspect community and I ask if I can to get the skin of wiki archlinux, archlinuxfr...because is very very beautifull.
Too the skin for drupal if it's possible.:lol::lol::lol:
My email: carmazone @ archlinux . com . ar
Thank you very much and sorry by my bad bad bad english, I'm studying english grammar :P:P
Hi everyone,
As CarmaZone said, we looked for the Arch Linux Drupal Theme but couldn't find it. Where can we download it?
Also, is there any documentation on how to integrate the Wiki, Forums and Drupal as Arch-en and Arch-fr have it on their sites? We are making several changes to the site and would really like to have it resembling as much as we can to the official and french sites.
Leonardo Andrés Gallego || Comunidad Hispana de Arch Linux
Heh, I was trying to figure out where we used drupal... then I remembered we have a little-used dev blog.
I don't know much about these things (mediawiki, punbb, drupal, etc) but if you could point me to the files you need, I'll be willing to tar them up for you.
Thank you very much and sorry by my bad bad bad english, I'm studying english grammar
You do better than a lot of people.
Mi español es problemente terrible!
Basically, skins to the wiki and themes of Drupal, later the problem is to integrate it who this community and french for show the modules "Recent Updates" and similar.
emails: carmazone @ archlinux com ar or leonardo @ archlinux com ar
Thank you very much!!!
Last edited by CarmaZone (2007-04-04 14:48:54)
Pages: 1