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Pages: 1
hy, is it possible to provide a fglrx-legacy package for users like me with a <r300 sti card. because a <r300 card is strong enough to run for example xgl. but in the repo there is only a new fglrx driver. and i cant put a newer one in my old notebook.
mfg chief
Why don't you try DRI? it worked on my RV280, not very fast and with some issues i never solved before giving up on xgl, but it was up and running in a few minutes after I read a howto on the forum.
Good luck!
It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Swallow but do not enjoy..
ATI/AMD do not maintain a legacy driver, so we do not have one in our repos. fglrx has a history of using deprecated kernel routines for much of its work - trying to maintain a legacy kernel module would become a soup of patches - provided we can even patch it to properly work anymore.
Pages: 1