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Pages: 1
Hi there,
I'm currently investigatin to build argyllcms ( which is a complete color management system (including hardware calibration) and not just libs like lcms for arch (or now ark :-)) linux. As the author Graeme Gill doesn't use the autotools but the jam build system this isn't for me a well known way, but I've build all binaries successfull on an SLES9 system so it shouldn't be big problem to create a PKGBUILD. Unfortunatly there are no man pages for the different binaries there is just a subfolder doc which include the html documentation. The question is: Where to put this documentation?
Hope there is some help.
As I read the Ark Packaging Standards, … _Standards
html docs go in /usr/share/argyllcms
You could put the doc in /usr/share/doc/argyllcms as it's where docs go in most Linux system. In that case, you'll need to use the keepdocs option in the PKGBUILD.
Pages: 1