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I have cs4281 sound card. Everytime I have to configure it using alsaconf. Upon reboot once again I have to redo this to get sound. why?
Linux learner and admirer - ALWAYS
Regd Linux User : 431318
i don't wanna patronize you .. so i will first ask ..
what exactly did you do to configure it ?
alsaconf/alsamixer/alsactl store as root.
Linux learner and admirer - ALWAYS
Regd Linux User : 431318
I am having a similar issue, my alsamixer settings seem to not 'save'
Hmh, storing sounds fine, did you add alsa to your daemon list? .
Also check if you have enabled youf desktop system to save your sound... this often does not get saved properly when sutting down the X server (in example kmix has such a feature). Simple disable it.
// STi
Ability is nothing without opportunity.
Ah, adding alsa to my /etc/rc.conf daemons AND running 'alsactrl store' worked thanks.
Nice 1 Positive result here too!
Thanks STiAT !
Linux learner and admirer - ALWAYS
Regd Linux User : 431318
Pages: 1