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#1 2004-04-28 19:32:06

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Has anyone ever managed to have imwheel and x serving his 9 buttoned mouse (IntelliExplorer with "3D" wheel)? All I find is gentoo configs, and some debian tips, but gentoo and debian are very special.

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#2 2004-04-28 20:02:10

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Pink Chick wrote:

All I find is gentoo configs, and some debian tips, but gentoo and debian are very special.

So is Arch!

I had a lot of trouble getting a 4 button mouse working in kernel 2.6.  There have been some changes... maybe try and get it working with 2.4 first?

Also, I'm told that under 2.6 only protocol for all mice is ExplorerPS/2. Further, getting my fourth button working on 2.6.5 also required USB connection (using protocol ExplorerPS/2), but the guy I talked to submitted a kernel patch to make it work with PS/2 too... which I never tested. :oops:

Can't help since I dunno what you're really asking. :-D



#3 2004-04-28 20:59:40

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

X is X and a mouse is a mouse, there should be nothing Gentoo or Debian specific (except perhaps the place of the config files).


#4 2004-04-29 08:29:05

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

i3839 wrote:

X is X and a mouse is a mouse, there should be nothing Gentoo or Debian specific (except perhaps the place of the config files).

not helpful, i3839. roll

rc.conf is an arch thing, also where to place the config files. debian and gentoo docs tell you very different files to tweak, and no one did the job in arch. Therefore, there is a different to work out.

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#5 2004-04-30 14:27:07

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Sorry, but if I knew the solution I would tell it. I don't even know how a 9 buttoned mouse with 3D wheel looks like. It's just that mouses aren't handled by the distro, but by the kernel and X. If you give more info about your mouse and post the links to the Gentoo/Debian docs you found, then I can probably be more helpful.


#6 2004-04-30 14:54:05

From: UK
Registered: 2004-03-06
Posts: 147

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

"Option"  "buttons 9"
"ZAxis mapping" "4 5 6 7"
in the XF86Config-4 file works for me. I have two wheels, and a two buttons on the side.
I believe it is very difficult it is very difficult to program the side buttons.

If I count the wheels each as a button, and the wheel which is also a button as an extra button, then mine would be 7 in all. I got this from a forum -- … .html#2130 configuration.

Mine is ps/2 mouse using ExplorerPS/2 protocol.

What the beep was that?


#7 2004-04-30 15:12:26

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

I tried:

--- /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 ---
Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier  "ExplorerUSB"
    Driver      "mouse"
    Option        "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
    Option        "Emulate3Buttons"
    Option        "Device" "/dev/usbmouse"
#    Option      "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
     Option        "Buttons" "9"
    Option        "ZAxisMapping" "6 7 8 9"
    Option        "Emulate3Buttons" "off"
    Option        "EmulateWheel" "on"
    Option        "EmulateWheelButton" "7" 

together with

--- /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc ---
None,           Thumb1, Left    # 5 sec back
None,           Thumb2, Right   # 5 sec fwd
None,           Thumb1, Z       # Previous song
None,           Thumb2, B       # Next song
None,           Thumb1, Left    # Balance left
None,           Thumb2, Right   # Balance right
#None,          Thumb1, Control_L|Shift_L|W, 2  # Previous window - doesn't work
None,           Thumb1, Control_L|W|K   # Window above
None,           Thumb2, Control_L|W, 2  # Next window
None,           Thumb1, Alt_L|Left              # Go back
None,           Thumb2, Alt_L|Right             # Go forward
Shift_L,        Thumb1, Control_L|Page_Up       # Previous tab
Shift_L,        Thumb2, Control_L|Page_Down     # Next tab

None,           Thumb1, Page_Up                 # Previous page
None,           Thumb2, Page_Down               # Next page



--- /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ---

# start some nice programs
xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 8 9 6 7 4 5"
imwheel -k -b "67"
mmaker -r FluxBox

but it won't do. I have hell no idea what the code is about in every detail, it is all a sum of snippets out of gentoo and debian descriptions. Only the /etc/X11/imwheel/imwheelrc file is one, imwheel is asking for if it finds no config, so I placed the stuff there.

It is an Microsoft intelliMouse Explorer 4.0.
2 side buttons
3 main buttons left, middle, right
4 wheel directions up and down, left and right.
9 buttons

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


#8 2004-04-30 15:25:34

From: UK
Registered: 2004-03-06
Posts: 147

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Your mouse has the same number of buttons and wheels and mice as mine.

The three emulate commands should be blanked out with a #.

I beleive that when you restart your X Server you will find it works. This will happen if you log out and log in again.

What the beep was that?


#9 2004-04-30 15:46:59

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

You also both enable and disable emulation. Did you tried what gs suggested, something like this:

Section "InputDevice"
   Identifier  "ExplorerUSB"
   Driver       "mouse"
   Option       "Protocol" "ExplorerUSB"
# If the above doesn't work then try this (or vice versa):
#Option       "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
   Option       "Device" "/dev/usbmouse"
   Option       "Buttons" "9"
   Option       "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

You can use the program "xev" to find out more about the button numbers and other info. For instance, when I do mousewheel down xev gives this as info:

ButtonRelease event, serial 22, synthetic NO, window 0x1200001,
    root 0x6d, subw 0x0, time 5904750, (2,176), root:(847,408),
    state 0x1000, button 5, same_screen YES

With the info from xev you can hopefully found out which ZAxisMapping and/or xmodmap options you must use. I wouldn't start using xmodmap until it works without it, or except if you know why and what you're doing, this to keep it less confusing (e.g. button 4 is mwheel up, but after xmodmap button 4 is switched with button 8).

No idea what imwheel is, so would try to get that working after X is fixed.


#10 2004-07-02 00:46:56

Registered: 2004-06-30
Posts: 13

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

I have a big problem with this for all distros EXCEPT Debian, and it appears many others do too.  It just doesn't work...Anyone know why?  I've done .xinitrc, .xsession, .imwheelrc...arrgg

*bumping old thread*


#11 2004-07-05 10:53:42

From: Tromsoe, Norway
Registered: 2004-07-03
Posts: 347

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

For one reason or another, linux developers have not been able to make a good soloution, or a soloution at all, to this 'mouse with more than two buttons and a wheel' problem. Microsoft developers have no problem doing that, so why isn't it supported in linux, I wonder...

Ørjan Pettersen


#12 2004-07-05 13:06:24

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Maybe because such things are done by volunteers, and most people don't have such weird mouses, so why bother to make something work that you don't use yourself anyway?


#13 2004-07-05 17:23:36

From: Tromsoe, Norway
Registered: 2004-07-03
Posts: 347

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

weird mouses?

How many here have a mouse with a back and a forward button. More than just a fiew. I can understand that there's not a solution for this 9 button thing, but to be able to make the back button work should be possible without a hassle.

Ørjan Pettersen


#14 2004-07-05 17:46:18

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

The original topic is about mouses with 9 buttons, X supports mouses with 7 or so buttons just fine as far as I know (wheel counts for 3 buttons if you can click with it). The only problem may be that such buttons don't do what people want it to do without some configuration. What you call the back button is just a button that can do anything. Did you actually tried xev, xmodmap and/or the ZAxisMapping options? Did you read any documentation? Or do you want an easy to use GUI which does it all for you, like the mouse vendors made for Windows? gs got his mouse working, so it's not impossible or something. (And no, I'm not going to find out how you can configure your mouse so that it works). Anyway, if it's a problem at all then it's most likely a X problem, not a Linux problem.


#15 2004-07-05 17:50:02

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

I think we're lucky the linux kernel supports mice at all... I understand the kernel hackers are console only type people... they can do more with a keyboard than we mortals could do with all the mouse buttons in the world...



#16 2004-07-11 19:42:41

Registered: 2004-06-30
Posts: 13

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

i3839 wrote:

The original topic is about mouses with 9 buttons, X supports mouses with 7 or so buttons just fine as far as I know (wheel counts for 3 buttons if you can click with it). The only problem may be that such buttons don't do what people want it to do without some configuration. What you call the back button is just a button that can do anything. Did you actually tried xev, xmodmap and/or the ZAxisMapping options? Did you read any documentation? Or do you want an easy to use GUI which does it all for you, like the mouse vendors made for Windows? gs got his mouse working, so it's not impossible or something. (And no, I'm not going to find out how you can configure your mouse so that it works). Anyway, if it's a problem at all then it's most likely a X problem, not a Linux problem.

i3869, as I posted there are a lot people who cannot get the buttons to do anything...but xev and stuff will work.  It seems to be a problem with imwheel (how I hate that program..can't wait till Linux or X whatever...will do this OOB).


#17 2004-07-12 17:50:17

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

Thanks for clearing that up, now it's at least clear where the problem is. Imwheel looks a bit dubious imho, it's not clear how well it works and which mouses it supports. The site is, bug the maker for fixes and info (via email, forum, etc). Seems that version 1.0 is comming within a few months.


#18 2004-11-30 17:47:23

Registered: 2004-02-04
Posts: 1,185

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

I stumbled into this seemingly useful site if you have an Intellimouse:

How to get X to use all the Intellimouse Explorer's buttons

This is relatively easy to do. You must be using XFree 4.x for this to work though, as this mouse technically has 7 buttons, and 3.x only supports up to 5.

The mouse section in your XF86Config should look like this:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Mouse0"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol"        "ExplorerPS/2"
        Option      "Device"          "/dev/mouse"
        Option      "ZAxisMapping"    "6 7"
        Option      "Buttons"         "7"

You have to map the mousewheel out of the way as shown, as otherwise the extra buttons aren't detected. Now we can swap stuff back though. Either add this line to your .xinitrc: xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5" or add this line to your ~/.Xmodmap: pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5.

That's it. The side buttons will be 6 and 7 now, and mousewheel scrolling will work as ever. You can bind the buttons to do whatever you like in your favorite windowmanager and applications.

Especially the "You have to map the mousewheel out of the way as shown, as otherwise the extra buttons aren't detected." line is interesting...


#19 2004-12-09 22:38:17

From: Hessen / Germany
Registered: 2003-12-01
Posts: 1,488

Re: imwheel / 9 buttoned mouse?

This seems to be very helpful.Will give it a try.

Frumpus addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]


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