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I recently installed a login manager (SLiM), passed the headaches in order to convince it to start XFCE (at the end was easy... but..) everything works.
The reason I installed a login manager was I'd like start X application with the nohup program let them continue working even if an other user needs the workstation. I thought, since the login manager is a X application, the server X won't stop killing my apps. I'll kill them later with the correct signal if needed.
At the moment the login manager start when the OS goes in telinit 5th level, it works. But when I logoff the X server restarts. It is avoidable? A part of the said reason I'd like to avoid the restart since it is somewhat time confusing.
I searched to understand how telinit starts X and so start the login manager, but I think I am missing something.
Is Slim itself starting X? Can I start X somewhere else and later start Slim?
I don't know for sure in your case, but when using GDM there is a setting in the Login Window Preferences in Gnome that indicates whether X should restart when a user logs out or not. I'll bet it's stored in a config file somewhere, but as to where I don't know for sure. Again, this is GDM, I don't know about SLiM.
"It is very difficult to educate the educated."
I think the login manager starts x, have a look here to se how it's possible to start x in runlevel 5 from inittab, without a login.
You could try to edit the inittab entry for run-level 5 to once instead of respawn, or you could start the computer in run-level 3, and have startx in your .bash_profile (or some other startup script).
I'm not sure it's what you're looking for, just ask if you meant something else.
- login manager starts x
- slim always restarts x on logout, and as said before gdm has an option (not) to restart x upon logout. (reason to restart is to prevent memory leaks) but you would only gain <1s (unless old machine)
- keeping an app running, you would need to keep x running, and start another x server in parallel for the other user to use, that's possible too. you can either use xnest (starts an x session inside the current one), or really start a second x. gnome+gdm does that well (system:logout:switch user, then you can switch between them witn ctrl+atl+f7|f8), dunno for xfce and kde.
Last edited by lloeki (2007-04-20 15:34:48)
To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
Good point about parallel x servers, I had almost forgot about that.
ezzetabi, you might find this doc useful.