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#1 2004-04-28 14:25:35

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

KDE 3.2.2 and X

Hello there all,

I don't really post much, but I have to commend everyone for a fanatsic board.  Whatever hicup I may have had I found a fix for within moments here.  Very cool  8) .

Anywhoo now I have a problem I need to know if anyone else has.  I use KDE and last night I removed xfree86 and installed X.  Everything works fine.. however, my desktop backgrounds will not display.  I get the image of a mimetype icon with an x in the middle of it.  Although, if I browse to the folder with knoqueror I can see the image preview, open the image (even in the tool tip meta preview.  But fior the love of me I can not make it a desktop; but the color gradients work tho.

Has anyone come across this?  I had a rather hot chick with some cool color blending goin' on and I want her back! wink LOL

Thanks in advance.


#2 2004-04-29 02:23:38

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

Hi there,

I went as far as redoing my installation, same prob.. I even only installed the base, and pacman'd the rest not using xfree86.. just x and still the same problem occurs.. thought it was the libjpeg.. but no... mime-types are fine, and if I change the format to png I dont get a preview when selecting the file.. but it does however show as a desktop background now..

any ideas...... anyone?


#3 2004-04-29 13:34:34

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

OK, well thanks for the views...

However I scoured the forums and the mailing list archives, even the kde bug reports and nothing that relates specifically to what I have here.  I did find a libXinerama issue.  However I have all the required libraries and is a non issue.

So before I open a bug report with KDE (I don't think it's an arch problem as all images work ok in Gnome) Does anyone else have the same problem?  I'd like to have some sort of brain storm on this.

Heck, even a "Hello" so I know I am not a retard posting needless things here. 



#4 2004-04-29 14:42:38

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X


The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#5 2004-04-29 14:47:36

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

ok, now to the subject:

if i understand you right, you have trouble with JPEG images to set as background, but PNG works fine - is this the actual situation?

as i cannot reproduce this (can set all image types as background without problem), here the way i would search for the trouble:

- is the needed libs+kde+x/xfree86 up to date with the repos?

- how is the mime-type for JPEG set in kde? (control panel) --- is "embedding" set to "Show the file in embedded viewer" or "Use 'image' group"?

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#6 2004-04-29 14:51:38

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

Hello soffcore, welcome to Arch!

I think that the reason you have not got any answers is because most people stick with xfree.
So am I.

Maybe if things change and xfree and xorg are becoming incompatible in the future, wich I don't think is gonna happen,you probably choose xorg.

Hope you get your backgrounds back though!

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#7 2004-04-29 15:59:54

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

xerxes2 wrote:

Hello soffcore, welcome to Arch!

I think that the reason you have not got any answers is because most people stick with xfree.
So am I.

Maybe if things change and xfree and xorg are becoming incompatible in the future, wich I don't think is gonna happen,you probably choose xorg.

Hope you get your backgrounds back though!

this cannot be said better - thanx for reading my thoughts

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#8 2004-04-29 18:59:37

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

dp wrote:
xerxes2 wrote:

Hello soffcore, welcome to Arch!

I think that the reason you have not got any answers is because most people stick with xfree.
So am I.

Maybe if things change and xfree and xorg are becoming incompatible in the future, wich I don't think is gonna happen,you probably choose xorg.

Hope you get your backgrounds back though!

this cannot be said better - thanx for reading my thoughts

Thanks smile Thought I was being snubbed out LOL I went back to xfree86 and all is well again.. I even went as far as installing xfree86 along side to see if there were any files that were not present in the X package, and all files were present.. weird.. so I gave up for now and went back to X. smile

Mime-types, libs, all check out.. that is what is so frustrating about this problem.. if I missed a symlink some where I am going to gouge my eyes out with my pencil. lol

Thanks Tho!


#9 2004-04-29 19:10:06

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

I'm glad that you are back on track.

My own experience is that you don't mess with x.
It can take a week to get a mouse going. tongue

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#10 2004-04-29 19:41:58

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

:shock:  A week!?

If it wasn't for that damed jpeg problem in KDE I would still be with X.. I guess I could always use gnome, or some other gtk wm but I was at my wits end... kuickshow worked at displaying the jpegs, but not kview... it was so hit and miss I asked myself..

"Are you sure you are comfortable enough with Linux?" almost thought that I should hang up my towel and go back to M$...

Then I pulled my head outta my arse and went to xfree86 lol


#11 2004-04-29 19:57:44

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

The problem here is probably not X,the problem is that KDE contains around 1694573 bugs, but never even then consider using Windblows FCXP!

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#12 2004-04-29 21:49:07

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

exactly: the 1694573 bugs of kde are anoying

i searched a little the ... with some success:

is very similar to your trouble

also (but older)

it's QT that causes the trouble, as it seems

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#13 2004-04-30 17:42:10

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

Wow... Thanks smile

I thought I was going nuts lol Thanks for your help! smile

If it was a QT problem why did it work in xfree86 and not X?

Then again I should just shut my yap and read some more huh? LOL


#14 2004-04-30 21:38:27

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

soffcore wrote:

Wow... Thanks smile

I thought I was going nuts lol Thanks for your help! smile

If it was a QT problem why did it work in xfree86 and not X?

hmm ... no idea ... maybe qt is built against xfree86 and in X they changed something (as X has some patches - the only difference to xfree86 for now)

soffcore wrote:

Then again I should just shut my yap and read some more huh? LOL

no, being quiet is no solution ... but if it's kde, the have a lot of bugs you can surf to find things that maybe are already broken for some reason

at least others that come to the same trouble will find this post and maybe have other info about it and in some time this can be solved too :-)

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#15 2004-04-30 22:22:00

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

That site is really scary dp! Maybe I should move along to some other DE. If Fluxbox eventually is getting to 1.0, it's looking very nice indeed!

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#16 2004-04-30 23:38:06

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

xerxes2 wrote:

That site is really scary dp! Maybe I should move along to some other DE. If Fluxbox eventually is getting to 1.0, it's looking very nice indeed!

indeed, yes ... fluxbox is the thing i use while compiling KDE (the week when a new release comes out) - it's not so feature-rich, but is very simple and usefull

kde has a lot of features ... but in my eyes, it needs a time-period, where all the open bugs should be cleaned up (freeze for all new features for e.g. 4 months would be ok, i think)... mostly, because heavy bugs accumulate and if you make a bug by fixing another, this is not a solution  (and this happened since 3.2.0 2 times on different bugs)

the thing is: if people make great new features, people are suddenly working on making more other features instead of having a code-cleaning and bug-fixing period

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#17 2004-05-01 00:45:41

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

Thanks for the compiling! big_smile
Like one guy said in here,Arch make you lazy.

I used KDE for two years and it's just getting buggier all the time.
3.2 series have been really messy. It's a wonderful piece of software but there is others who will catch up with them,hopefully without the bugs. A few months timeout to do some clenup would do good like you said. I checked out the Fluxbox website earlier today and those screenshots looked really nice. But all kde apps don't run standalone or?

BTW, I can't leave X

# id:3:initdefault:

su:S:wait:/sbin/sulogin -p

c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/1 linux
c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/2 linux
c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/3 linux
c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/4 linux
c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/5 linux
c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 38400 vc/6 linux

ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now

# x:5:respawn:/usr/X11R6/bin/xdm -nodaemon
x:5:once:/opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon

when I do X restarts after appr 1 min. I want my Vim back.

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#18 2004-05-03 14:28:27

Registered: 2004-04-27
Posts: 42

Re: KDE 3.2.2 and X

Hello again,

Thanks for the ideas and help smile I got home after the bar on the weekend, and asked myself "Self, *hicup* Wonder if there are any upgrades tonight..." so I ran pacman and noticed QT was upgraded..

So on a whim I removed xfree86 again and slaped in X... seeing that I was half cooked I wouldn't have minded if it didn't work and pass out peacefully. smile

When X was installed I started KDE, and POOF! JPEG's work! smile Thanks again all for the help smile


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