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I am new to Arch. I just installed the base yesterday. I am now working on installing the nividia driver. so far I have followed the instructions, but when i try to edit my xf86config-4 file, i cant, because the file isnt in /etc/x11. i did a locate and did not find the file anywhere. i found a xf86config.98 file.. not sure what that was. what am i doing wrong. i know i installed x because i am logged in to gnome 2.6 as we speak. please help, this is very wierd to me.
also - if i wanted to remove the nvidia driver how do i remove the package via pacman? i tried doing a pacman -R /path/to/file/ but i get a message that says package not listed in database.
thats for helping a newb
You have to run xf86config as root to create a new config file for X, if you are lucky you will get a working Xf86Config-4 file, an easier way is to use HWD (hardware detect for Arch Linux).
no the easiest way is to run X -configure. this genrates a template file which you then edit the mouse, monitor refresh rates and add modes. and you are ready to go.
as for uninstalling NVIDIA drivers ... it depends. from what read the package that exists just installes and runn the commercial installer so you would likely have to uninstall the driver using the methods explained on the nvidia site.
basically there is really no need for a nvidia package .. there was one before until it was decided that the commercial installer was superior.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
If he already has a working X session, then he has a config file. Most likely it's /etc/X11/XF86Config.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
If he already has a working X session, then he has a config file. Most likely it's /etc/X11/XF86Config.
that's true, I didn't read the first post very well I think
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