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Pages: 1
This library is aimed at providing classes and objects that simplify
working with compiz over various backends. The Compiz-class itself
provides a nice, higher-level, object-oriented interface to compiz,
while entirely hiding the abstracted communication-backends.
The average user (i.e. python-coder) may most likely want to work
with the simplified frontend-classes like Compiz, CompizPlugin
or the CompizOption-subclasses. However - more advanced users are
still free to directly access the backend to get to a lower level.
You can directly access the Backend Compiz.backend and use its
common functions.
The docs/examples-directory contains some examples of how to use the
compizutil-library. The bin/compiztool is a tiny "real-world" tool that
gets installed globally and can be quite handy for testing and/or playing.
Now in aur.
For more info :
Last edited by brainwasher (2007-04-30 07:46:32)
Pages: 1