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I coming from Slackware and can i compile src than in slackware too?
make install
Last edited by Shimmy (2007-05-13 20:45:01)
If I read this properly, you are asking if you can compile from source. Answer is yes, of course you can. Slack is all about vanilla source so I can't see why not.
I was think Arch dont have any compiles or something else...but if u say "I can" i will believe you.
Well it is standard compiling, but for organization sake, just look in the AUR for stuff. It is already compiled for you and everything. I suggest using aurbuild for installing things from the AUR.
Off course you can compile from source. But you stick to a package manager if you can for various reasons. For example to clean removal of programs. Especially if you're being offered such a nice one as arch does.
If your program has not been built for arch already, you should read about AUR and ABS in arch wiki.
Hail to the thief!
Like it was already mentioned: you _could_ install a tarball using ./configure && make && make install, but creating a PKGBUILD (like Gentoo's .ebuild) is so easy, I can't imagine why you wouldn't create a package for the program you need.
Check the wiki and AUR to see if someone hasn't already beaten you to it.
A bus station is where a bus stops.
A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation.
I personally think making a custom repo for a single workstation user is an over kill, but as already said do the packages.
Install them with
pacman -U pacname
and in the case uninstall with
pacman -Rns pacname
as usual you'll need to clean up all user homes from pacname's program saved settings, but it is quite easy.
Instead if you have more than one computer connected by a network a custom repo helps a lot. Since all your workstations will be able of installing the new software without even the need of manually coping the package.
Could compile it, make a PKGBUILD, and install your compiled binaries via pacman -A xxxx
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