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Good day!
-------------------------------------------- Locale --------------------------------------------
I am having problems with my locale - in fact, more like my time settings.
I have just installed Arch Linux and noticed that my time is 7 hours forward. I live in Europe, Hungary, but set the locales to en_US in order to have an English-speaking system (it's better for support, besides, I like it more, translations can be very confusing sometimes).
I have set the timezone to Europe/Budapest in rc.conf, but that doesn't solve the problem (there is Europe/Budapest at the timezones, yes). Is it possible to have it set back somehow? (better if it does autoupdate from net as well)
-------------------------------------------- Crontab --------------------------------------------
Well, I have switched from another distro which had a /etc/crontab file, a global crontab file in which I could define everything I wanted (from programs to run at system startup to the users I want to run them with, etc). The problem is, that under Arch Linux, this doesn't seem to be working. (attention, this is not the same as the root's crontab file, if you don't know what I am talking about, see this link: … 01389.html). Any solutions?
-------------------------------------------- Hotkeys --------------------------------------------
I am on a hp notebook, which I really like, but the sound hotkeys don't work at all. At my previous distro I solved it with a program called hotkeys. Is there anything similar to that in Arch?
Thanks for the help in advance!
You can do everything in the mail you reported with arch default cron program (dcron) and a lot more (with more complexity) if you replace it with fcron in community. The only differences are the paths of the crontab (but you should always edit it with the crontab/fcrontab command) is that it is not possible to define the user in the crontab: but you can define a crontab for each user or in the system crontab (fcrontab -e -u systab, for fcron) you can use sudo.
There are many hotkeys replacements out there. There are also guides for them in the wiki. I wrote that called just "Hotkeys", which takes a from scratch approach in the case the kernel does not give them a keycode but just a scancode and in the case they want them to work also from the console. At the X level, it proposes to use xbindkeys, which has a fine documentation. There are also links to guides for similar apps, such as keytouch and lineakd. I prefere xbindkeys because it does not assume to know your keyboard but lets you configure from scratch.
I do not know about the locale/timezone conflict, but the most practical implementation of time regulation from the net is openntpd (very easy to configure).
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Thanks for the reply
Locale: An ntpd -s solved the problem immediately, great prog
Crontab: Done, I put a line into fcrontab that refreshes the systab fcrontab with itself every 10 minutes.
Hotkeys: I still have to experiment with it
Last edited by yettenet (2007-05-17 20:45:57)
Locale: An ntpd -s solved the problem immediately, great prog
Once you have your time set correctly via ntp, make sure your rc.conf is setup properly with the correct time zone and clock. You'll still need to set your bios clock to your newly set system time. To do so run hwclock --utc --systohc for utc clocks or hwclock --localtime --systohc for localtime clocks.
Pages: 1