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After having experimented with Mandriva, Suse, Ubuntu, Mepis and Zenwalk I've recently switched to ark. I guess I'm a bit used to hand holding distros.
I installed the pacman package for ndiswrapper and installed the drivers for my usb stick. The system hangs and goes into panic mode. I want compile ndiswrapper and hence need the kernel source. How can I get it.
this ain't ark linux website...
this is arch linux! Altho in any case wiki solves all your problems.
welcome to "arch linux"
i believe you mean headers not source
pacman -S kernel-headers
you can also search the wiki , maybe your device is there
Sorry for the typo I really meant Arch.
I realized that the source tree was there in /usr/src/2.6.21-ARCH and went ahead and compiled ndiswrapper. The module compiles and inserts ok but I don't see a wlan0 interface. alias wlano ndiswrapper is there in modprobe.conf
Any help please?
Pages: 1