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#1 2007-05-27 09:20:22

Registered: 2007-02-22
Posts: 68

How to handle outdated packages from repo by own hand ?

I would like to have packages that I use frequently to be fresh - for example - Krusader is 1.70.0 in arch but there is pretty stable beta - 1.80.0beta2 the same thing with gmpc/libmpd/qtcurve-kde3|gtk2 - these packages are outdated. My question is how to handle this in good way ? I mean make PKGBUILDs in /var/aur/local but what if package in repo will be updated ? I simply don't want to wait for these packages because I've chosed ARCH for no outdated packages but now I see there are some... Anyone have a good advice for me ? Now when I make my own PKGBUILDs of these packages with every pacman -Syu I get error: package-name is newer than package in [repo] bla bla bla


#2 2007-05-27 10:19:50

Registered: 2006-04-13
Posts: 38

Re: How to handle outdated packages from repo by own hand ?

try one of the aur build script proggies, they compare the aur to the current in the repositories I think? 

Have you tried putting the packages like krusader on the ignorepkg list in pacman.conf?


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