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hi there
it is really slow to get packages with pacman for me on my machine. the speed always goes up to 60 then goes down to 0 and then to 30 and then to 0 kb/s etc. etc.
my normal speed is between 70 and 100 kb/s
i have got a 770/100 ADSL in switzerland.
thanks for help!
Edit /etc/pacman.conf.
In each section, move lines with swiss / german / french / etc addresses to the first places.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
I live in Sweden and use the Chemnitz mirror, averaging 6,5Mb/s!
That's the fastest downloads I've ever made!!!
Just do what Pink Chick said and you be fine.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
take a look here:
How should wget improve the performance?
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
It hacks your provider so that you have more bandwidth, or something like that........
wget gives pacman a turbo boost
Mr Green
Mr Green
How should wget improve the performance?
Don't know, just try it and then tell us.
my pacman didn't work anymore after that.....
/usr/bin/wget: error while loading shared libaries: cannot open
Have you got wget installed ?
Mr Green
Mr Green
No, his problem with wget is that he doesn't have the newer version of openssl.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
pacman -Suy
Mr Green
Mr Green
wget gives pacman a turbo boost
Mr Green
Not at all. It is simply a download manager. It fetches as fast as it can, like pacman does, 2.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
Ok. but I just find it quicker for me
Sorry for posting
Mr Green :cry:
Mr Green
Ok. I set up my pacman to work with wget with -t 0 and -T 10 options. I'm gonna leave it for at least 2-4 weeks. We'll see which way it works better. That doesn't have to mean faster. My connection is wireless and from time to time it likes to become unstable (like freezing until i do "something" to wake it up - it may be ping to outside server etc.) - I can't do much about it because I'm not in control of antenna and access point and my provider is [censored]..... :-). So the real gain from using wget instead of pacman to download packages may be this timeout option wich in turn also may end up with shorter time of package download. We'll see....
BTW: my pacman is now using wget to download everything including package dbs. I have a lot of repos (turs included) in my pacman.conf and as I can see it reconnects to the ftp server for every db it downloads. This is kind of inefficient because each reconnect takes 5-20 seconds at least. Also using wget to download dbs does not look nice - in this case I would prefer leaving download of dbs to pacman and everthing else to wget.
Pacman reconnects to download dbs too, last I heard.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
Find an rsync server that will supply current & extra, and then either use brute force and mirror them, or mirror the packages you have installed.
Then change pacman.conf to point to your local mirror, and put that line first in the current and extra sections. In general you should find rsync runs at full speed whereas ftp can be very slow.
You should never use ftp off of, it is capped for that reason, so no one uses it. If you want to use an archlinux ftp server, use
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
I have down near the bottom of my lists, and I refer to the fr, de, it, and ibiblio sites when I complain about speed. It appears to be a protocol problem, rather than being confined to one particular site. Here, in nz every mirror is distant, so I give the list a shake to find a good one.