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Tomorrow I'm picking up a 19" widescreen LCD. Switching the resolution to 1440x900 for X is no problem, but my question is does anyone know what the VGA code in /boot/grub/menu.lst would be for this same resolution?
I'm working on that, too. I've a laptop, with 1280x800 12" widescreen tft and I use 792 for an instance, which is 1024x768 (as my monitor supports this, too). If you choose the right consolefont it doesn't look that bad.
There are probably no "codes" for other resoulations than the ones mentioned in /boot/grub/menu.lst. But there probably is the possibility of using intelfb or vesafb where you can specify the resolution directly without using codes.
As I said, I'm working on that. I'll keep you informed if I get something. Until then: use a 4:3 resolution, even on your widescreen for textmode.
They say if you reverse play a Windows CD you can hear satanic verses... But wanna know what's even worse? If you forward play it, it's gonna install Windows on your system!
vesafb has only limited vga codes. you would need vesa-tng or more specific fb for you graphic card.
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