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Ok another update on my problem
I seem to have fixed it, it seems it was screensavers as since i have uninstalled it my uptime is round 36 hours which is the best it has done
Will keep testing it tho.
No go, still locking up?
Im getting it over it pretty fast might just ditch 64 bit all together.
Wait a minute... I recently had an issue with bash locking up when I used powersaved on the laptop - I've currently disabled powersaved and planned to ask about it if it resurfaced after I was done getting the wireless working. Are the rest of you guys all using powersave? The latest one isn't a big update, just a modification to keep it from adding or removing the power group, but I'm starting to think it might somehow be bugged anyway.
I tried powersaved and it hardlocked my laptop before login via tty1! powersaved == evil
I changed /etc/rc.conf back to use cpufreqd and I still had 2 lockups before login scince then... I'm curious what causes this.
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
Well clean install and so far so good, more uptime then what i have had.
I think it was Beryl that was causing it, now using Compiz and it seems to be all good.