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always when i log in to my desktop (only use gnome) i get this error, and have to click ok before anything else of the desktop comes up.
with the 'pacman -Qi' command, ive found out ive got something named at-spi, dont know what it is, but i tried reinstalling it. but this error still comes up.
im very new to linux, but willing to learn. so please explain what i have to do in an easy linux-newb way.
i appriciate all feedback :Doh and heres the error: … ingkf4.png
and btw, sorry for my english
A w e s o m e
when i tried to uninstall it via 'pacman -R at-spi' i get the error that the package is required by "brltty" "dasher" "gnome-mag" "gok" and "python-pyspi". and i dont know if i can delete those packages safely. and maybe those packages are needed by other packages, i dont know.
this error havent affected anything noticable yet, exept for the annoying error message at the startup of every session. but maybe i will notice defects in the system in the future, so i really want to get rid of this error.
A w e s o m e
System>Prefrences>Accesibility>Assistive Technology Prefrences...There is an optin there to turn assistive tech. on or off...I would imagine that will do the trick for you
"The hardest thing is rendering a moment moving to fast to endure"
System>Prefrences>Accesibility>Assistive Technology Prefrences...There is an optin there to turn assistive tech. on or off...I would imagine that will do the trick for you
haha oh my god as easy as that... never looked closely on the name of that option i suppose
well thank you
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