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I created packages for games some time ago, now all are orphaned, why?
They are:
construo 0.2.2-1
ensemblist 040126-1
jjffe 28a-1
lgeneral 1.2beta-1
rrgbis 1.0.3-1
singularity 0.25-2
sturmbahnfahrer 1.4-1
vamos 0.5.5-1
wrogue 0.7.7-1
Other packages I created were adopted by sergej and rabyte.
@ tardo:
Hey, I lived in Clemson for about 3 months last yeat. Nice town, good university. I taught an intro geology lab for the university.
This was a lie.
Post was sent Thu Jun 21 11:56:48 EDT 2007.
"Of the 13 pkgs, the most recent date back to December, while most have last
been updated in July 2006."
Package wrogue 0.7.7-1 has been updated 03 Jun 2007.
Package sturmbahnfahrer 1.4-1 has been updated 05 Jun 2007.
I don't care who maintains game packages, it's just important to me to have as many games for Linux as possible, but I hate lies.
Maybe instead taking over someone's packages people with free time should add new games. There are plenty of them unpackaged. For example secondlife (there is no true build, just a binary copy).
Pages: 1