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This might help someone trying to get on internet with the 2.6.3 kernel. The 2.4.25 is fairly automatic but the 2.6.3 is a different story . I spend days trying to get on and finally made it. Other posts have demonstrated the same trouble. The problem is that pppd and kppp do not recognize one another . My steps were as follows
1. kppp does not support ttyS4 it only goes to ttyS3. So in etc/rc.local I put the symlik ln -sf /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem This way everytime when booted /dev/modem is recognized.
2. in etc/modprobe.conf i added my modem module -- alias eth0 8139too
3. ifconfig eth0 at the prompt , makes kppp and pppd interactive(this was demonstrated on a post that i read)
4 etc/rc.conf at" MODULES="put ppp_generic so it looks like this-- MODULES=ppp_generic -- /dev/ppp needs to be there otherwise pppd will not work and this puts ppp on the dev nod
5 etc/ppp/options There is an option with says -- auth. Put a # in front of auth --#auth -- on some systems this keeps kppp from dying when first connected to your isp.
6. reboot the system and hope for the best
1. kppp does not support ttyS4 it only goes to ttyS3. So in etc/rc.local I put the symlik ln -sf /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem This way everytime when booted /dev/modem is recognized.
The preferred way to setup devfs symlinks is in /etc/devfsd.conf I have these lines to do what you just mentioned:
REGISTER ^ttyS4$ CFUNCTION GLOBAL mksymlink $devname modem
Other than that, great minihowto. Consider putting it in the wiki?
I have got kppp working, thanks to the posts here.
But! I can't get web pages to open in a browser! So do I need to change eth0 settings for ppp0 settings?
What the beep was that?
post the relevant sections of your /etc/rc.config...
Can you access via programs other than web browser -- like pacman?
Try pinging a few URLS (ping URL) to see if they are recognized. Also try pinging an IP address instead of an URL, this would tell if the problem is in the connection or in domain resolution.
In a hurry or I'd have been clearer... sorry.
This is the diagnostic info:
1) pacman -Syu failed to download anything
2) ping failed
3) pinging my ISP's ip address worked!
4) /etc/rc.conf: --
MODULES=(!usbserial ide-scsi sis900 snd-intel8x0 usblp ppp_generic radeon !ehci-hcd ohci_hcd)
#"eth0 netmask broadcast"
INTERFACES=(lo eth0 !ppp0)
# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
# (prefix a route in ROUTES with a ! to disable it)
gateway="default gw"
DAEMONS=(network syslogd !pcmcia netfs cups crond kdm klogd)
So! Is this a domain resolution problem?
This just shows me how little I know. I'm on a cable network at the moment, and was thinking about downgrading. But I have found a crafty way of getting efax-gtk to work in Arch, so all would not be lost in terms of investing in a serial modem!
What the beep was that?
You are on dialup, right? kppp is for dialup, specifically.
For dialup, try changing it to something like this:
comment out the gateway lines:
#gateway="default gw"
I believe that when kppp starts pppd, it will set up ppp as the default route. For dialup, you don't need eth0, unless you also have an ethernet interface...
This is my re-arranged /etc/rc.conf: --
#"eth0 netmask broadcast"
INTERFACES=(lo !eth0)
# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
# (prefix a route in ROUTES with a ! to disable it)
#gateway="default gw"
Not so very much luck! I tried lowering the speed from 115200 to 57600, but this did not improve the diagnostics -- which were the same as earlier. The graphic display does show packets in transit, which - of course - is to be expected on account of being able to ping the external server.
I have
alias eth0 sis900
in modprobe.conf, in relation to my broadband connection. And I took the cable modem lead out before rebooting.
I am getting tired now, and may have missed something in the above setup. But I will sleep on it and come back to it in the morning.
What the beep was that?
Sounds to me like you might me right about it being a dns problem.
I'm no expert, but I have my ISPs DNS in /etc/resolve.conf.
Would that help?
Success!!! Thanks Dusty and mctavish.
My broadband connection seems to have been overwriting /etc/resolveconf.
Also, I changed the Kppp DNS settings to manually specified and not to overwrite the existing settings.
My downgrading strategy will involve using a night time only service for downloads and stuff. The isp will however boot me off if there is insufficient manual activity.
What I need next are scripts to overcome being booted off and to close the connection at 8.00 in the morning (otherwise I will get charged by the minute.)
Any ideas for starting points?
What the beep was that?
you can use
kill $(pidof pppd)
(as root) to end the dialup session. You could put that in a cron job to have it happen at a specific time.
I usually use:
pacman -Syu
kill $(pidof pppd)
as root to end the dialup as soon as pacman finishes. Not pretty or good for error recovery, but it works.
I think kppp has an option to auto-reconnect if your connection breaks.
Thanks for that info, Dusty.
I have had some other luck. My ISP rang me back after I cancelled and offered me a very good deal on a 256MB connection which lasts for the rest of this year.
Thanks again, 'cause it's good to know how to crack the system!
What the beep was that?
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