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This is becoming less and less of a arch-related project, but I know people here are still following it, so here's an update. I today released a beta version of Pallavi 0.4 on the sourceforge project page ( … _id=167671) and aur ( … =1&ID=6037). Please note: I don't have an Arch Box right now, so that PKGBUILD is untested!
There's a couple of screenshots here: … _id=167671
Some new features are listed in the news posting here:
As always, I'd be grateful for feedback and such. This is a beta release, so a little thorough testing would be nice. It should be pretty stable though; I've been using it all along as I work on it. Thanks for your interest,
I just installed it on my arch box using your PKGBUILD.. Some feedback:
In the PKGBUILD, the $pkgver is 0.4b1, but on the download page it is 0.4b, so you can't download Pallavi-0.4b1.tar.gz.. I had to change the $pkgvar in the PKGBUILD to be 0.4b...
Also, in the comments in the AUR, I noticed a comment about a .desktop file -- they are quite easy to make. I made a sample one for you here:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A text editor
You just copy it to /usr/share/applications/ and it shows up in the gnome menu.. It doesn't have an icon though..
syd wrote:Here in NZ we cant spell words with more than 5 letters. So color will have to do.
You must be very special then because "letters" has 7
Looks great Dusty! I can see this turn into a great editor someday, especially with the ability to make plug-ins. Keep up the good work!
BTW: Don't tell anyone you are using Ubuntu. Cause this is Arch and well...ah.....yeah.
Keep up the good work!
and add the .desktop file
Thanks very much for the desktop file, it was on my todo list for the final release, but I wasn't sure how to create it. There is an icon in the /usr/share/pallavi directory, an xpm, I believe. I'm not certain if I would add the desktop file using the or in the PKGBUILD/debian.rules.
I'm kind of stuck for updating the PKGBUILD right now, maybe a TU can change it? I created the package before I remembered to change the version, I think the other package is b1.
Tyler: I'm not exactly using ubuntu right now... I'm sort of using um... yeah... well... Windows. :oops: Its temporary!
I fixed the PKGBUILD to add the .desktop file and .xpm logo in the right places.
***I'm assuming you're using GPL***
# Contributor: Dusty Phillips <>
pkgdesc="Extensible Text Editor"
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=('python' 'wxpython')
source=("$pkgver.tar.gz" pallavi.desktop pallavi.xpm)
build() {
cd $startdir/src
cd $startdir/src/Pallavi-$pkgver
python install --root=$startdir/pkg
cd $startdir/pkg/usr/bin
ln -s run-pallavi pallavi
# Install .desktop file
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
install -m 644 $startdir/$pkgname.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
# Install icon
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps
install -m 644 $startdir/$pkgname.xpm $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/
The .desktop file and .xpm are here: and
I also tarred it so that it could just be uploaded it the AUR as is (since I obviously can't fix it on the AUR as I'm not a TU):
(ewwww Dusty's using windows!)
Last edited by majikstreet (2007-06-07 00:04:47)
syd wrote:Here in NZ we cant spell words with more than 5 letters. So color will have to do.
You must be very special then because "letters" has 7
First the serious part. If Dusty wanted the package to be adobted, he'd have orphaned it so somebody else can contribute the updated scripts. Therefore, we'll just wait for Dusty to fix the build.
<STiAT> !slap Dusty
*phrik slaps Dusty across the face.
<STiAT> !botsnack
<phrik> *munch munch*
Come on, get arch installed .
Ability is nothing without opportunity.
Actually, in all honesty, I hate packaging. If somebody wants to maintain the package, I'll orphan it. :-P I didn't really expect there'd be much interest in it yet. I sincerely appreciate the contributions. Anything somebody else does I don't have to do. :-D
I'll try to distribute the files later. In the meantime, I give permission to any interested TU to update the PKGBUILD with majikstreet's version.
As for the attempted thread-hijacking about my OS choices... I may have to ban you all. ;-) I'm considering putting Arch on my laptop soonish, but I can't decide if I should overwrite the windows partition or the ubuntu one. :-P Maybe I'll buy a 16GB USB key and install Arch on that. Tyler, I leave it to you to split this thread when it gets messy, you started it.
* Adobted the package
* updated, added icon in .desktop file
* corrected the PKGBUILD
Please inform me about updates (add a comment at the package, i'll get notified about all my packages), so i can update it as soon as you release.
It stays in AUR, i don't see the need of moving it to community yet.
It's a nice tool for quick-editing files .. i like it.
// STi
PS: @Dusty :-( evil
Last edited by STiAT (2007-06-07 17:17:12)
Ability is nothing without opportunity.
Hey, thanks very much, that's awesome! I'll keep you informed of updates.
Hey all,
I released the 0.4 final of Pallavi today. Its a bit more stable (mostly under Windows though) than the previous version and contains a couple bug fixes and improved features. Hope you all like it. Let me know if you have any ideas, suggestions, etc. See the links above for more info.
FTR, I uploaded new tarballs today without incrementing the version. STiAT pointed out a small bug in the default configuration file that I corrected in the new ones.
Updated in AUR
Ability is nothing without opportunity.