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I read in forum that if you have ip address like (mine), then there is no need for a firewall. My router is GS8100 Conexant Systems and is accessable at Can someone guide me how to make my router a firewall too.
Mine is a standalone home system with broadband internet which connects through router.
So youre asking how to make your dsl modem to firewall? Google doesn't know Conexant GS8100 so its really hard to tell if it got firewall or not. If theres no clue at conexants management then you probably need a separate firewall device and make your conexant work as a bridge. Separate firewall device could be a server running arch linux...
Your router most probably has a software firewall installed, you just need to configure it.
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I explored my router with and there is a sub-section called "firewall" under "service" section (other sections are Home, LAN, WAN, Bridging, Routing, and Admin). In firewall section, I have the following things:
Blacklist Status (it is disabled), Blacklist Period(min), Attack Protection (it is disable), DOS Protection (It is disabled, Max Half open TCP Conn, Max ICMP Conn., Max Single Host Conn., Log Destination, E-Mail ID of Admin 1.
In the main service section, there are NAT, RIP, Firewall, IP Filter, Bridge Filter, DNS, Blocked Protocol, DDNS, UPnP, SNTP, TCP status subsections.
I could not understand how to configure the firewall, open specific ports, close other, etc.
If anyone know about a guide for such router firewall configuration, then please post the link.
Did you receive a cd with your router? Perhaps the manual can be located there. I have a little trouble finding any information on your particular router. Contact me through PM if you have the manual, I don't think it would be a good idea to attach it to the forum posts.
Alternatively if you have a link to information about your router, you could submit that instead. Sometimes the vendor has included a link in the webinterface on the router to the vendor homepage.
MadEye | Registered Linux user #167944 since 2000-02-28 | Homepage
That would have solved the whole mystery itself. but the router was provided by my isp and i guess they get the routers in bulk without any manual. I am trying to locate something over the net. There is a help file though in the router itself. I will trying read and understand that.
Have you tried contacting your isp and ask him for a manual to the router? (Here in Denmark it's illegal to supply equipment without also giving the user access to a manual.)
It could also be that he would have the link to the vendor.
MadEye | Registered Linux user #167944 since 2000-02-28 | Homepage
he he he... In India, you should be obliged if the isp provide you properly what you pay for leave apart the additional goodies...
Determing from your routers ip address I'd say you have NAT, which mean all incoming ports are closed for the rest of the world. I'd be interested of NAT and firewall section. I guess that you need to open port in firewall section and define port forward in NAT section. Maybe some screenshots would help? (paste just links here)
I've seen lots of different routers/firewalls in my work and every home product has on very few features actually. Most of them are just NAT devices with ability to do port forward. But those are usually enough for home use. Some have extra thingies like dos protection but imo those do nothing.
Last edited by Obi-Lan (2007-06-29 16:40:02)
Here is the link of screenshots of my router
From looking at the screen shots it would seem that you cannot manually forward any ports. But perhaps you could tell me what options you have on the UPnP page (it's under services). Is it only possible to enable/disable UPnP? Or can you enter port data on that page.
In my own router I can see that the page for forwarding ports is called virtual server, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that in your router.
I looked up Conexant Systems, and it seems they're only responsible for the chip that's inside the router. They don't manufacture routers by themselves.
From the "Home" page on your router it would seem the router model is Vulcan, but again there is nothing to be found about that on the net. Is there perhaps a sticker on the bottom of your router with a vendor name? Perhaps a model number we can make a seach on?
What options are you presented if you click on "System Mode" on your routers "Home" page? Right now the router is set to Routing and Bridging.
MadEye | Registered Linux user #167944 since 2000-02-28 | Homepage
UPnP has 2 options, enable and disable and it is enabled.
I too have the same confusion about conexant system and GS8100 thing. Google says it is from Globespan Virata. Unfortunately, there is no sticker on the router too.
In System mode, I have "bridging" and "wan to wan bridging" enabled and "bras" and "zipb" disabled. These are the 4 options under system mode with enable and disable buttons.
Found this too … ta/GS8100/
Last edited by ravisghosh (2007-06-30 08:27:06)
That seems messy GUI for a router but the guide looks good, it tells you all what you need to open port. You should configure static ip or static dhcp mapping for your computer before doing manual port forwarding. Then you can check the results with It tells you wich ports are open. If you have any ports open it will give fail, they give pass only if you have all ports in stealth mode.
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