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Does some one have an update for Bluefish? They are up to 0.9 and we only have 0.13-1 in the packages.
do you mean the same software?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
OSS developers have this stupid way of versioning things.
0.9 == 0.09; so 0.13 > 0.9.
Confusing, but maybe I just don't have enough formal math education. The problem with this system is that in theory, there could be two 0.9 releases. The first one meaning 0.09 and the second meaning 0.90.
"Contrary to popular belief, penguins are not the salvation of modern technology. Neither do they throw parties for the urban proletariat."
It's not exactly stupid, it just doesn't follow conventional mathematical decimal notation. Think of it more like <some number>.<some other number>. It's not one single decimal number, it's two numbers seperated by a point.
If versions did follow decimal notation then 2.0 comes after 1.9... and 0.10 after 0.09. What if you started at 0.01 and went through 100 point releases but hadn't hit all your goals for 1.0? You wouldn't want to be forced into going to 1.0, but going to 0.100 isn't right either. You'd have to retroactively convert all your old version numbers to 0.001...
That example may seem sort of silly, I mean, 100 point releases? What about 0.1? You only get 9 point releases till 1.0. Is that enough to implement every feature you want? Maybe not...
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
you can also naming betas and adding build-date as version :-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Sorry about that. I have been using .9 since it came out. I never bothered to check if they had posted anything new on the website. It looks quite a bit different.
It makes sense somewhat to me. Just looking at the number .13 you think in terms of mathmatics, but if you look at "point nine" or "point thirteen" then in makes sense.
Thanks for guiding me through my brain fart.
Pages: 1