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#1 2007-07-01 16:23:42

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]


15 : "Error while parsing number"

This error is returned if GRUB was expecting to read a number and encountered bad data.


So I installed the latest Archlinux (base) onto my PC. Everything looked alright. Upon completion, you have to type 'reboot' and the machine restarts. At this point everything was going fine until it got to the stage where GRUB loads up.

GRUB1.5 starting...


Looking up what exactly an Error 15 is, I found the answer but not a solution. Please, I need your help! I can't even go on my PC now (I'm currently on someone else's PC--embarrasing!). Advice very much appreciated; I'll continue to research a solution myself.


Last edited by Xs1t0ry (2007-07-02 01:43:33)


#2 2007-07-01 17:21:42

From: downstairs
Registered: 2004-11-05
Posts: 816

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

hdo should be hd0? difficult to tell without any clues sad


#3 2007-07-01 17:23:35

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

In menu.lst I have (hd0) as (0,1) by default. If I change it in the first line do I need to also change it in the second/alternate boot one as well? Tell me whatever clues you need to know and I'll do my best!


#4 2007-07-01 18:04:27

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

Ok, I'm doing a fresh install. Now, the default for my root partition, sda4 is hd0 (0,1). I'm only using on HDD, but with a dual boot. Should I change in menu.lst that (0,1) to a (0,0) or a (1,0) to avoid the error 15?


#5 2007-07-01 18:25:46

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

I changed the root on both archlinux and the archlinux fallback to (0,0) and un-commented-out the Windows option, which is also at (0,0). Now GRUB loads and Windows starts but neither arch nor its fallback will load, when I try to select them I get this:

root (hd0,0)
     Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7
     kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda4 ro vga=773

     ERROR17: Cannot mount selected partition

     Press any key to continue...

and when I press a key it takes me back to the GRUB selection screen, starting the cycle all over again. So now instead of having neither of them work, Windows works but Arch doesn't. I'm floating here... some please help me


#6 2007-07-01 18:42:04

From: Chicago IL usa
Registered: 2004-07-04
Posts: 695

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]


#7 2007-07-01 18:49:40

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

Thanks. I tried A1 and that didn't work, I got

 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)

I don't understand how to go about solutions A2 and A3...


#8 2007-07-01 20:48:02

From: downstairs
Registered: 2004-11-05
Posts: 816

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

Xs1t0ry wrote:

Tell me whatever clues you need to know and I'll do my best!

post the results of:

fdisk -l
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst
cat /etc/fstab

Also, when you got to the bit about installing grub, did you go for the MBR or a partition?

You probably need:

root (hd0,3)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda4 ro vga=791
initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img

BUT if you chose to install with a separate /boot partition (sda3 maybe?) then:

root (hd0,2)
kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda4 ro vga=791
initrd /kernel26-fallback.img

If you can tap e when grub loads, you can edit the boot lines, rub them out and use "tab completion" to find out where the kernel is:

root (hd[HIT TAB]
kernel /[HIT TAB]


#9 2007-07-01 21:03:44

Registered: 2007-06-27
Posts: 24

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

vacant, according to this thread regarding the kernel panic (made by Xs1t0ry), the problem has now been solved.

By the way, Xs1t0ry, keep all your posts regarding the same problem in one thread, it makes it much easier to help you than if you keep making new threads about the same problem, specially since you posted some information in that thread that was important.


#10 2007-07-01 21:11:41

From: Chicago IL usa
Registered: 2004-07-04
Posts: 695

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

Xs1t0ry wrote:

Thanks. I tried A1 and that didn't work, I got

 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)

I don't understand how to go about solutions A2 and A3...

what did you enter at prompt? vmlinuz root=/dev/????
dont worry bout A2 or A3
and as vacant asked, post out put of
fdisk -l
cat  /etc/fstab
cat /boot/grub/menu.lst

we can help you much better when we know where you put things  smile

1 thread per problem please
as Login_Here  told you  smile

Last edited by rayjgu3 (2007-07-01 21:15:53)


#11 2007-07-02 01:43:14

From: Canada
Registered: 2007-07-01
Posts: 181

Re: GRUB 1.5 Error 15 [SOLVED!]

Thanks for the help, guys. The problem is resolved now; I didn't mean to post more than once but my problem mutated and I guess I got desperate. Thanks, again.


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