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I compiled the CVS version of Fluxbox myself. I disabled quite a lot features in configure, total startup time is 3 seconds instead of 4, and exit from the Fluxbox menu actualy works now.
what kind of features did you disable? help us out please! also what kind of login manager are you using. it seems that most users have troubles with GDM, including me. :cry: but i don't know if GDM is the reason or other Gnome apps.
see ya
Bash history to the rescue... I did something equivalent to:
$ export CFLAGS="-O2 -s -Wall -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i686"
$ export LDFLAGS="-s"
$ ./configure --disable-shape --disable-slit --disable-interlace --disable-xrender --disable-kde --disable-gnome -C
I don't use any login manager, just 'x', where x is aliased to 'startx -- -dpi 96'.
same here, without any login managers , fluxbox is running just fine. this bug or whatever it is , is driving me nuts! :twisted:
Well, I was running Fluxbox without login manager and it didn't exit correctly, only the version I compiled myself does exit without problems. Just use Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to quit instead.
can you post your .xinitrc file? (the people with trouble exiting)
you should have "fluxbox" as last entry in list - following killall-commands of other daemons/programms you set to start before fluxbox
i hate to quote myself :-)
check, if anything after fluxbox runs in your .xinitrc ... it's very easy: while the stuff in .xinitrc still runs (or becomes zombie), the X server is still running (no matter that nothing is shown or a black screen is running)
# ~/.xinitrc
# setting variables
export TERM=xterm
# running additional stuff
tpb &
# running DE/WM
exec fluxbox
# enlightenment
# kahakai
# gnome-session
# exec ion
# wmaker
# exec icewm
# exec blackbox
# startxfce
# killing additional stuff
killall tpb
if you have a normal .xinitrc, then fluxbox might be still running - then, it's a fluxbox trouble
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I don't understand -- kill what? Why would you kill apps you want to run?
Here's mine:
# ~/.xinitrc
# Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
# exec twm
# exec wmaker
# exec startkde
# exec icewm
# exec blackbox
# exec wmweather -w & sleep 2
# exec wmnet -w & sleep 2
exec gkrellm & sleep 2
# exec WMxmms & sleep 2
# exec wmcpuload -w
# exec fluxter &
exec fluxbox
Messy, but just cause I was trying out some dock apps and haven't decided what to keep yet.
I think there might be a bug in the fluxbox slit, something that's keeping it from shutting down cleanly.
Maybe it's an opportunity to try a different WM. :?
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - S. Jackson
try this way:
exec gkrellm & sleep 2
# while we are here . fluxbox is running and you are using the sys
killall gkrellm
as gkrellm is not longer needed, if you want to exit X ... just to make sure, it is not longer running
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I posted too soon before. I was running 0.9.9 on another box, not ArchLinux. I installed the package, and I too have the problem that exit doesn't work.
My .xinitrc has nothing but exec fluxbox. I use startx.
Has anyone reported this as a bug?
Edited a few minutes later--never mind, apparently no one has so I'm doing so.
Well, if you insist... My .xinitrc:
exec fluxbox
The script ends at the exec, no matter what you put after that line, it won't happen. If you don't want that behaviour then don't use exec.... Only exception is probably when you use & after the command, but then it will do an exec anyway.
The server doesn't wait for clients, just do Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to see that, clients get a SIGPIPE or something, and quit. It's just a Fluxbox bug somehow.
I'd have to disagree. I am not finding the problem on other versions of Linux or FreeBSD.
Well, if you insist..
i do not insist ... i only was thinking that it would be possible that you have much more in it and a lot of mess-ier ... gratulations for clean-ness
The script ends at the exec, no matter what you put after that line, it won't happen. If you don't want that behaviour then don't use exec.... Only exception is probably when you use & after the command, but then it will do an exec anyway.
the script do not end - the fluxbox is running and while it is running, the script waits for it to terminate .... and x will terminate when startx finishes - and startx finishes when .xinitrc is happened till the end
The server doesn't wait for clients, just do Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to see that, clients get a SIGPIPE or something, and quit. It's just a Fluxbox bug somehow.
the server is initialized by startx and it works all the commands in the global xinitrc and your local xinitrc and when no other app that is run in this scripts holds the server (connects to it) then startx finishes and kills the server
if fluxbox do not terminate correctly with exit in the menu, then it still exist as process and startx will not go to the next line
the bug here is (i think) that fluxbox do not terminate (because you have nothing after it in .xinitrc and have also trouble - so your post was helpfull) --- you should try to find out if fluxbox is initialized by a script and if, then check what holds it from terminating while trying to exit ... else it is a bug in the code of fluxbox
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I also found a problem with 0.9.9 that bbrun (a dockapp for starting other apps) would hang whenever I tried to use it to start something else
This (along with the exit problem) does not happen with 0.9.8 for me at least...
if someone has problems with fluxbox freezing on exit & doesn't use a login manager, please try this & post the result. maybe someone will find out what is wrong:
strace -o fluxbox.strace fluxbox
what is bbrun? never heard of it. is it something like fbrun?
good luck!
here are the results of an strace where I literally started flux, tried to kill it via the menu and then used ctrl-alt-delete:
bbrun isvery similar to fbrun except that it is started from an icon sitting in my slit, so I don't have to use the menu to get it
dp, you're mostly right, but you misunderstood me I think. .xinitrc is a shellscript, and it's run by bash. Xinit waits till bash is finished, but if bash encounters a "exec app" line, it will replace it's own process with "app", see man execve for what I mean. At that point there is no bash running anymore, just "app", and xinit will wait for "app" to finis.
The Fluxbox I compiled from CVS works for me without problems, so I assume they either fixed it or it's something else weird. So I have no urge to debug Fluxbox.
I tried compiling from CVS as well and still had the problem. I then redid it, this time disabling slit, kde and gnome, as suggested earlier in the thread. It then works.
I tried compiling from CVS as well and still had the problem. I then redid it, this time disabling slit, kde and gnome, as suggested earlier in the thread. It then works.
I bet it's a problem with the slit. When fluxbox freezes on exit, it seems not to be able to shut down apps running in the slit.
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - S. Jackson
dp, you're mostly right, but you misunderstood me I think. .xinitrc is a shellscript, and it's run by bash. Xinit waits till bash is finished, but if bash encounters a "exec app" line, it will replace it's own process with "app", see man execve for what I mean. At that point there is no bash running anymore, just "app", and xinit will wait for "app" to finis.
The Fluxbox I compiled from CVS works for me without problems, so I assume they either fixed it or it's something else weird. So I have no urge to debug Fluxbox.
sorry i misunderstood you - but we mean the same :-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
You are correct about the slit, AFAICT. Anal sort that I am, I once again recompiled the PKGBUILD, this time leaving all defaults save the slit. (Fixed by adding --disable-slit to the configuration options). Again, it worked perfectly. So apparently, the trouble is with the slit. However, it does seem to be an Arch issue rather than Fluxbox since, as I said I put it on Slackware, using the sources from fluxbox's site, and the slit is enabled by default. I didn't have this problem.
I've updated the bug report.
I bet it's a problem with the slit. When fluxbox freezes on exit, it seems not to be able to shut down apps running in the slit.
I had no programs running in the slit, so that isn't it, but it indeed seems a slit problem.
I am curious if anyone can give an explanation of what the gnome and kde hinting is used for... ie the --enable-gnome and --enable-kde. I am curious if those are only used for gdm and kdm, if so then they are pretty useless features if you don't use gdm or kdm. Anyways jsut curious.
Yes why do you need to enable KDE/Gnome ?
Mr Green
Mr Green
this is the answer of your question from #fluxbox
<rxKaffee> :I would suppose it means to use gtk or qt graphics libs, respectively
but maybe there is more :?: :!:
That's kinda what I was thinking..
I did find something that fixes the flux freezing at logout. In the init file in .fluxbox there is a line called "session.slitlistFile:" I just commented that line out and freezing stopped.