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I am so happy I could contribute somehow to the archlinux community that I decided to share some of my happiness posting here... … ter_logoff
Of course also any constructive criticism is welcome, even if you can just edit the article.
Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-07-03 21:55:53)
I tried my best to fix up the article while retaining your original meaning and intent. I have a few questions regarding it though.
Is this correct:
$ xhost +localhost +local:
should it be this:
$ xhost +localhost +local
Apart from that, everything seems great.
According to man the families name sintax is ''family:name'' and the local family accept as name only the empty string. This is the reason of the ':'.
Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-07-04 07:36:50)
Replaced 'CTRL+ALT+1' with 'CTRL+ALT+F1'.
Also, are you sure that "xhost +localhost" is needed? It`s a security hole and I think that "xhost +local:" is enought.
Why do you say it is a security hole?
And about the `enough', unfortunately it is not.
I am pretty sure that without +localhost when you suspend an application and restart X the new X won't accept connections from xmove anymore.
This is what I have checked:
For example there are two local users who can start X server on our machine - A and B.
A starts X servers on displays :0 and :1 and "xmove -server :0 -port 9" from a text console.
B starts X server on display :2.
A can use xmovectrl to suspend and move windows between :0 and :1 as he wants.
He can restart his servers and xmove works fine.
B can`t do anything with :0, :1 and :9.
A runs "xhost +local:" on display :0.
He can do all the same things as before.
B can start applications on :0 but can`t start them on :1 and :9.
A runs "xhost +localhost" on display :0.
Now B can start applications on displays :0 and :9, he can also move applications between :0, :2 and suspend them.
If A starts an application on display :9 B can suspend it or move it to display :2 so he can close A`s application!
I didn`t make more investigations but I think that`s enough. Currently I think that "xhost +local:" is not needed too.
So please, check once again that you need "xhost +local:" and "xhost +localhost" to use xmove for tasks you want.
Anyway, you have written a good article!
Last edited by George_K (2007-07-06 18:27:30)
You are right, the problem is mine. Without thinking about it I was starting xmove as root in the deamon array.
So in order to works X must accepts connections from everyone.
Starting it correctly from a terminal of the user who needs it no xhost settings are needed.
In fact, if different users needs xmove everyone must start it with a different port.
Last edited by ezzetabi (2007-07-07 08:37:49)