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* Getting installed applications...
* gnome is False; kde is False
* setting decorator to emerald --replace
start_wm compiz
* nvidia found, exporting: __GL_YIELD=nothing
Executing: __GL_YIELD=nothing compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp
compiz (core) - Fatal: No composite extension
Anybody able to help me here? Running x86_64 and XFCE with a nvidia card.
Tried installing as per KomodoDave's instructions.
Last edited by medrew (2007-07-05 12:22:14)
* Getting installed applications... /usr/bin/compiz /usr/bin/ccsm /usr/bin/gtk-window-decorator /usr/bin/kde-window-decorator /usr/bin/emerald /usr/bin/metacity /usr/bin/xfwm4 * gnome is False; kde is False * setting decorator to emerald --replace start_wm compiz * nvidia found, exporting: __GL_YIELD=nothing Executing: __GL_YIELD=nothing compiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp compiz (core) - Fatal: No composite extension
Anybody able to help me here? Running x86_64 and XFCE with a nvidia card.
Tried installing as per KomodoDave's instructions.Thanks.
You need to add this to xorg.conf (at the end)
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"
Brilliant, everything's in order now. Thanks.
I need to put my 2 cents:
Months ago, when I tried to install Compiz, it was so slow. Then I decided to live with Beryl and was good until now but, all this time, I never reached the same desktop beauty and smoothness than the videos in the net insistently showed me.
Man, Compiz-Fusion is the best Window/Compositing Manager I've ever seen. Now my desktop looks like a charm, effects are amazing without any delays. I'm really impressed.
Thanks again for all your good work, guys.
nesl247, the fusion icon really works and was perfectly made to fit in my xfce4 panel.
Dave, thanks for your help with the Compiz/Nvidia problem. And just to record: I'm using the default /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc. Just ran fusion-icon and everything's fine.
Last edited by RoobZ (2007-07-05 19:19:40)
Why do I need qt to install compiz-fusion?
Targets: compositeproto-0.3.1-1 libxcomposite-0.3.2-1
compiz-git-20070704-1 libcompizconfig-git-20070704-1
pyrex- compizconfig-python-git-20070704-1
ccsm-git-20070704-1 compiz-bcop-git-20070704-1
compiz-icon-git-20070703-1 emerald-git-20070704-1
emerald-themes-git-20070704-1 sip-4.6-1 qt-3.3.8-4
qscintilla-1.7.1-1 pyqt-3.17.2-1 fusion-icon-git-20070704-1Total Package Size: 17.12 MB
Last edited by ganlu (2007-07-06 04:25:33)
Because I haven't written a .install file yet to tell users how to get the qt interface for fusion-icon. However, if you hold off about 20 minutes, I'll be uploading a new version which requires pyqt4 from community instead. And shortly after I'll be working on a revision that doesn't require it, and tells you how to install it with a .install file.
Edit: Everything is updated.
Last edited by nesl247 (2007-07-06 05:18:17)
hi there and thanks for your work into this, i have a small question, last week everything was running smooth but after updating this week, all the plugins that use reflections are really slow, like cube reflection and expo, any idea why? or why it was smooth when you first made your repo and now its all choppy?
It could be a bug in the code. It's got nothing to do with my repo. I only package the stuff. It's either something you did, or upstream changed something. Best ask on IRC in #compiz-fusion on
yes i know you only package it, im grateful for it , anyway disbling sync to vblank in ccsm fixes it but the tearing is awful, ill just revert to the old stuff till they fix it
hi, when i start fusion with `fusion icon ` everything works fine except that the qt icon in the traybar is transparent, i can click it and select stuff but it doesn't have an icon, is this a known bug?
Yeah, I'm going to remind the author about it.
There is a nasty packaging bug. fusion-icon wasn't working here, and, when I looked at the symlink in /usr/bin, it looked like this
fusion-icon ---> /home/nesl247/a/lot/of/nonsensical/folders/usr/share/fusion-icon/
I deleted the symlink and linked again fusion-icon against /usr/share/fusion-icon/ , and it worked.
Ok, gotta fix that upstream. I understand the problem at least.
[tyler@myhost ~]$ fusion-icon
bash: fusion-icon: command not found
[tyler@myhost ~]$ ls /usr/bin | grep fusion-icon
[tyler@myhost ~]$ /usr/bin/fusion-icon
bash: /usr/bin/fusion-icon: No such file or directory
yeah check where thet points to, it's an ugly bug (:
sudo rm /usr/bin/fusion-icon && sudo ln -s /usr/share/fusion-icon/ /usr/bin/fusion-icon
. Fixed it for me
Ok, fusion-icon is now fixed.
The systray icon is just a standard GTK "icon not found" for me. Does anyone knows what I'm missing or how to set it?
Targets: compiz-git-20070706-2 libcompizconfig-git-20070706-2
pyrex- compizconfig-python-git-20070706-2
ccsm-git-20070706-2 compiz-bcop-git-20070706-2
compiz-icon-git-20070703-1 emerald-git-20070706-2
emerald-themes-git-20070706-2 fusion-icon-git-20070706-4
Total Package Size: 4.50 MB
Total Installed Size: 14.30 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages from compiz-fusion...
error: failed retrieving file 'compiz-icon-git-20070703-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz' from : Internal Server Error
warning: failed to retrieve some files from compiz-fusion
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
The problem should be fixed. It appears my repo setup script didn't remove the old repo database file, so it was keeping old entries. I've also updated the packages again.
I just installed from the repo and most everything is working great. The one problem I'm having is that all menus take about 5 seconds to pop up. This is really annoying and I can't figure why this is happening. Does anyone know whats going on here and how to fix it. Thanks.
I just installed from the repo and most everything is working great. The one problem I'm having is that all menus take about 5 seconds to pop up. This is really annoying and I can't figure why this is happening. Does anyone know whats going on here and how to fix it. Thanks.
Could be a dbus issue... see my XFCE4 installation guide earlier in the thread, and you'll see the kind of .xinitrc syntax you need.
- Dave
Is this list of deps correct:
# pacman -S compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-extra
:: group compiz-fusion:
ccsm-git compiz-bcop-git compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-git compiz-fusion-plugins-main-git
compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported-git compizconfig-python-git emerald-git emerald-themes-git fusion-icon-git
:: Install whole content? [Y/n]
:: group compiz-fusion-extra:
compiz-fusion-plugins-ezoom-git compiz-fusion-plugins-gears-git
:: Install whole content? [Y/n]
resolving dependencies... done.
looking for inter-conflicts... done.
Targets: glitz-0.5.6-1 xf86driproto-2.0.3-1 evieext-1.0.2-1 xcmiscproto-1.1.2-1 resourceproto-1.0.2-1
xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2-1 xorg-util-macros-1.1.5-1 damageproto-1.1.0-1 xgl-0.0.1-20070105-5
libwnck-compiz-2.16.3-2 libgnomekbd-2.18.2-1 eel-2.18.3-1 nautilus-2.18.3-1 control-center-2.18.1-1
mesa-xgl-git-20070317-1 compiz-git-20070317-1 libcompizconfig-git-20070707-1 compizconfig-python-git-20070707-1
ccsm-git-20070707-1 compiz-bcop-git-20070707-1 compiz-fusion-plugins-main-git-20070707-1
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra-git-20070707-1 compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported-git-20070707-1
beryl-core-git-20070402-1 emerald-git-20070402-1 emerald-themes-git-20070402-1 fusion-icon-git-20070707-1
compiz-fusion-plugins-ezoom-git-20070707-1 compiz-fusion-plugins-gears-git-20070707-1
(I'm mostly concerned about Xgl, as I'm using aiglx mode)
keep in touch.
daedalusman wrote:I just installed from the repo and most everything is working great. The one problem I'm having is that all menus take about 5 seconds to pop up. This is really annoying and I can't figure why this is happening. Does anyone know whats going on here and how to fix it. Thanks.
Could be a dbus issue... see my XFCE4 installation guide earlier in the thread, and you'll see the kind of .xinitrc syntax you need.
- Dave
I'm also having that menu-problem and I'm running Gnome and GDM, which then launches fusion-icon on login. I haven't had any dbus-problems generally which makes me wonder if that really is the problem.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
Stefan Nitsche
I see the wallpaper plugin has been added to xeffects, any chance we could get that here too? (Assuming it's not still crashing!)