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quick blurb; i've been using arch for the last month or so now and i really love the distro.
anyway i'm using fluxbox as my wm and xscreensaver to lock the screen. there's just one problem:
xscreensaver of course asks you for your password, but typing "ctrl + alt + f1" throws you right back to your bash where you've already logged in and typed startx... and bam someone has control of your session.
is there anyway of fixing this short of using GDM/KDM?
(i know this isn't an arch specific problem and of course a locked screen wont keep anybody determined out)
This faq gives little hope
In your xorg.conf:
Section ServerFlags
Option "DontVTSwitch" "true" # Does not let you switch to the Virtual Terminal
Option "DontZap" "true" # Does not let you kill the X-Server with C-A-Backspace
Since I use slim, I have only DontZap on.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
Thanks for both replies, I'll edit xorg.conf now.
mucknert would you recommend slim?
As a matter of fact I would. It relatively lightweight compared to kdm and gdm and unlike xdm it still looks good. You should give it a spin.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
I threw this little piece of code in my .bashrc as well as using DontZap in Xorg.conf, works like a charm. You can subsitute vlock for logout if you like
startx() {
nohup startx "$@" > /dev/null 2&>1 &
Edit: Forgot to mention, it lets you change VT's for other logins, for multiple accounts, or in case something goes wrong, and you can't kill X.
Last edited by PenguinFlavored (2007-07-09 01:52:46)
What about starting X with telinit?
Something like telinit 5 & exit should not have this kind of problems...
Just lock your session with vlock -n
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
Pages: 1