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Project Subversion (SVN) Service: Online [1] Last updated: 2007-01-05 Pacific
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( 2007-07-09 10:43:54 - Project Subversion (SVN) Service ) As announced, support for the deprecated subversion access method ( was removed. Please use the access method that is described in our docs.
This is affecting A LOT of *-svn packages from AUR. They are fetching their SVN sources from and THIS ISN'T WORKING ANYMORE, because they must now specify the project name BEFORE "svn" (https://[projectname]
Can any TU fix all of those packages?
Thanks in advance.
Last edited by Alejandro Nova (2007-07-11 04:26:58)
you'll get more attention if you use
packages in unsupported have a maintainer for a reason. have u tried contacting them first?
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I know it, but there are simply too many maintainers, and I thought I'd get more attention here. Thanks
Last edited by Alejandro Nova (2007-07-11 14:23:47)
you could try alerting the maintainers/devs of such scripts as yaourt/pacbuild/etc.
function sfs() {
if [[ "${_svntrunk}x" != "x" && `echo $_svntrunk | grep "$pattern"` ]];
then _svntrunk=`echo $_svntrunk | sed "s@$pattern@://${_svnmod}"`
alias build="sfs;build;"
in /etc/makepkg.conf should be a sufficient workaround while the pkgbuild maintainers catch-up .
unfortnately i am nowhere near an AL system so i can't confirm that it works.. but simple test with
function build() {
echo $_svntrunk
#::how i tested it::
#file1: mkpkg > above function + . pb \n build
#file2: pkgbuild >above code
shows promising results
sorry my bash programming isn't as good as I'd like feel free to rip it apart if you like
hope it works;)
Last edited by raeven (2007-07-12 19:38:00)
I have made an announcement about this which will be added to the frontpage news automagically, that should get the word out to most.
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