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Last edited by stjepan (2022-09-20 21:45:07)
wonderful! perfect! (0.6)
I can't tell you how long i've been looking for a replacement to tilda (it had lots of rendering bugs).
I'm sure someone else has a bug in store for you though
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
great program, but i was wondering if anyone was able to have it autostart in xfce4
good I had the focus bug the other way around: stjerm was stealing focus too much. fixed now.
well, I have one bug:
- with 0.6 I can't seem to get any help anymore. only output is
error: shortcut key is not defined
with 0.5 we had:
$ stjerm
stjerm version 0.5
Usage: stjerm [-fn FONT] [-bg COLOR] [-fg COLOR] [-b TYPE] [-o OPACITY]
[-w WIDTH] [-h HEIGHT] [-p POSITION] [-s POSITION] [-m MOD] -k KEY
-fn FONT Terminal font
-bg COLOR Background color
-fg COLOR Foreground color
-b TYPE Border type: thin, thick, none
-o OPACITY Opacity (range: 10 - 100)
-w WIDTH Window width
-h HEIGHT Window height
-p POSITION Window position: top, bottom, left, right
-s POSITION Scrollbar position: left, right, none
-m MOD Mod key used in combination with shortcut key: shift,
control, alt, windows, none
-k KEY Shortcut key (a required option!)
Examples: stjerm -fn "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 12" -bg white -k F12
stjerm -bg black -fg green -w 800 -h 405 -s right -m alt -k f
stjerm -b thick -w 500 -p left -t best -o 90 -m shift -k tab
and I have some requests:
- maybe a -h|--help switch would be great.
- maybe a little man page would be good.
- could there be a way to change the command run. for now it seems to be the user shell set in /etc/passwd, run as non-login. I'd like it to be a login shell (bash --login), or maybe mc (or screen, or whatever). something like
stjem -k twosuperior -c 'bash --login'
would be cool.
Last edited by lloeki (2007-07-07 16:02:36)
To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
error: shortcut key is not defined
I have that too. I just didn't notice it, because i had already "configured" the syntax with 0.5
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
Hi there,
I just downloaded and compiled stjerm today, and I'm definitely going to use it as my main terminal app.
My idea is to use stjerm + gnu screen to substitute all the aterm/xterm terminals that I usually open.
I think that I have found a bug when running screen from stjerm. The backspace key stops working at all.
Changing configuration files such as screenrc does not work, because it seems that stjerm is not sending properly the keypress to screen.
When pressing Ctrl-V Backspace in stjerm to see what is going on, I get the usual ^?
But when I run screen and try the same, I get nothing.
I have found a post in this thread describing the same bug in tilda. Apparently, it has something to do with vte.
Arch is to Linux as Jeet Kune Do is to martial arts.
Thanks for the app, it does everything I need and looks good with true transparency.
In order to get screen working with it I had to add the following to term.c:
vte_terminal_set_backspace_binding(VTE_TERMINAL(term), VTE_ERASE_ASCII_DELETE);
Please consider adding a way to select which backspace signal to send as that is the one thing that keeps this from being the perfect quake-style console.
Last edited by Archangel-13 (2007-07-20 23:29:26)
this is why I stopped using stjerm altogether... screen ot working is a showstopper for me...
To know recursion, you must first know recursion.
hi, i modified stjerm a little bit...
now you can set your desired shell using a command line option, as well as the scrollback lines length.
also it displays the usage menu now again...
i will post the patch as soon as i am ready with testing
i also included your patch for stjerm to work with screen
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
Hey, very nice little program u got there stjepan. One problem I have with it that makes it unusable for myself, is it doesn't properly support klipper's multiple clipboards (and probably glipper too) it always pastes the last copied entry wether I use shift+ins or middle click (not the respective clipboard entry). Hope you understand what I mean.
Keep up the good work
I modified stjerm to fit my needs and i thought perhabs it is helpful for everyone.
added tabs! ("new tab" and "close tab" in contextmenu)
added shell command line option (eg. -sh /bin/bash)
added scrollback lines command line option (eg. -bl 10000)
displays usage menu again
i created a patch for stjerm version 0.6...
- the background of the tabs is stupid gray... would be cooler if it was transparent or something.
- switching / creating / closing tabs don't have keyboard shortcuts.
- option to disable tabs.
- option to hide tabbar if only 1 tab is opened.
VERSION 0.7 is released and can be found a few posts later.
i hope it is not too buggy
Last edited by xsdnyd (2007-08-06 10:05:40)
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
i thought i just call this version 0.7...
While i appreciate what you have done very much, i belive this i stepping on another mans feet. Even if it's open source, you don't "take over" a project/name like this without an agreement without the author.
Please, don't think bad of me for telling you this. I do not judge you at all, but i have seen this before with software projects, and it often ends bad.
I suggest you communicate (that's the key...) with stjepan, and come to an agreement, _or_ you fork stjerm (new name) and go from there.
You could also just keep supplying patches to 0.6 though.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
i thought i just call this version 0.7...
While i appreciate what you have done very much, i belive this i stepping on another mans feet. Even if it's open source, you don't "take over" a project/name like this without an agreement without the author.
Please, don't think bad of me for telling you this. I do not judge you at all, but i have seen this before with software projects, and it often ends bad.
I suggest you communicate (that's the key...) with stjepan, and come to an agreement, _or_ you fork stjerm (new name) and go from there.You could also just keep supplying patches to 0.6 though.
yeah you're right...
i also had a bad feeling about it, i just had no idea how to call it...
now i updated my post.
it is now only a seperate PKGBUILD file which applies a patch. thats the best solution
Last edited by xsdnyd (2007-08-02 14:14:02)
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
Last edited by stjepan (2022-09-20 21:44:15)
now I continue to develop stjerm.
Here is the first new version
stjerm 0.7
- added tabs
- added context menu items to create/close a tab
- added command line option to show tab bar even if only one tab is opened
- added support for dynamic terminal titles
- added command line option to change tab labels
- added command line option to set the used shell
- added command line option to set the scrollback line count
- fixed bug: segfault when entering a single wrong command line option
- fixed bug: true transparency was only on first tab
- fixed bug: tab bar background was in border color if thick border was chosen
- fixed bug: unhandled Xerror when stjerm is already running with the same key or with certain modifiers
PKGBUILD and sourcecode:
Package on AUR: … s=0&SeB=nd
features to come:
- scroll buttons if too many tabs are opened (or tabs are too wide)
- keyboard shortcuts to create / close / switch tabs
Last edited by xsdnyd (2007-08-05 13:39:14)
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
Hi, thanks for this wonderful app!
I have a small problem. I am using Xfce + Compiz Fusion and I have put the command to start stjerm at startup. However stjerm starts before Compiz, and I don't get true transparency in the terminal...
Maybe it's not related to your application, but I wasn't sure and I thought it would have been useful to point this out...
I think there must be a way to make stjerm start after Compiz...
Have you Syued today?
Free music for free people! | Earthlings
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
hmm stjerm just wont start for me....
stjerm -fn "Monospace 11" -bg black -fg white -s none -p top -sh /bin/bash
It only lists the options for me... whats wrong?
Use the Source, Luke!
really nice, I find it waaaaay better than tilda (not as many features, but works quite a lot better), now if it only had colour support...
you also have to use the option "-k"
for example "-k f12" to make stjerm listen to key F12...
thats a required option.
but you're right, there should be a hint that "-k" is missing when stjerm is started without it.
its in the next version
what do you mean with colour support?
Last edited by xsdnyd (2007-08-05 19:17:56)
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
you also have to use the option "-k"
for example "-k f12" to make stjerm listen to key F12...
thats a required option.but you're right, there should be a hint that "-k" is missing when stjerm is started without it.
its in the next version
Well now at least starts, but doesn't appear.
Use the Source, Luke!
xsdnyd wrote:@Roberth,
you also have to use the option "-k"
for example "-k f12" to make stjerm listen to key F12...
thats a required option.but you're right, there should be a hint that "-k" is missing when stjerm is started without it.
its in the next versionWell now at least starts, but doesn't appear.
But I would like stjerm to be able to appear in the upper left corner, and I would like to make stjerm be able to appear a few pixels away from teh edge of the screen, and make til appear if it looses focus.
Last edited by Roberth (2007-08-05 19:55:45)
Use the Source, Luke!
what do you mean with colour support?
nothing... I didn't notice it started with bash instead of zsh with my color prompt, so without more testing I posted that , but now that I noticed that you have to use -sh to change the shell, I'd change my request to parsing /etc/passwd or something to choose the shell would be a pretty nice thing to do...
xsdnyd wrote:@Phrodo_00
what do you mean with colour support?nothing... I didn't notice it started with bash instead of zsh with my color prompt, so without more testing I posted that
, but now that I noticed that you have to use -sh to change the shell, I'd change my request to parsing /etc/passwd or something to choose the shell would be a pretty nice thing to do...
i just made a commit to svn.
now stjerm uses the user's default shell as default shell. (not /bin/bash anymore)...
so if you set up /bin/zsh as your shell in /etc/passwd, you don't need the -sh option anymore in future versions
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
xsdnyd - THANK YOU! I have been using stjerm for a while now but I was using the last version written by stjepan and thought it was discountinued. I visited the forums yesterday to just browse and stumbled upon your updates to stjterm. Thank you soo much.
I was about to ask you to use the user's default shell instead of having to specify it as --sh's parameter, but seeing as you already made a patch, I can only wait in ernest until you update the version While I wait, I think I'll put up a few feature requests:
* Add a method to store default configuration somewhere. A rc file such as ~/.stjermrc or an enviorment variable ($STJERM) to store configuration options. For references, look at things like the shells for an example of rc files and less for an example of the enviorment variable option
* Open the SVN repository to others?
* Use a 'real' tab bar instead of a series of buttons. This is mostly cosmetic though
* Keybindings for changing the current tab as well as copy/paste. Keybindings I'd use are Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown for changing the tab, and Ctrl-Shift-C/V for copy/paste. Shift-Insert for paste would also be welcomed to others from terminal emulators such as Xterm and it's derivitives.
* A command line option for toggling the state of stjerm that could be used in place of -k for better integration with the user's WM
Hope a few of these get into the main application
Last edited by zenix (2007-08-07 03:14:33)
Ctrl-Shift-C/V for copy/paste.
ctrl+{x,c,v} is more than enough. unless your wm requires the shift key that is. neither gnome/kde does though...
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts