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After successfully adding Arch Linux to my Grub loader, I'm greeted with 'myhost log in'. The only thing that the installer asked me was to enter a root password, which I did, but not even that is recognized at the log in. What am I supposed to do here?. Sorry I'm a newbie to Arch Linux. Thanks.
Enter 'root' for the login, and your root password when it asks for it.
I already did and I got 'incorrect login'. And I'm absolutely sure of the rood password that I gave to the installer. It made me repeat it as usual. I went through the whole installer. I practically didn't have to edit anything except to allow 'DHCP'. I typed 'reboot' when it asked me to. I was taken back to a prompt that said 'boot='. At that point I thought it had rebooted from the disk because it looked the same. I then removed the disk and hard rebooted the computer. ( I now think this was my mistake ). I had already reconfigured Ubuntu's Grub, so I chose Arch Linux and was received by 'myhost login'. I found funny that at no point the installer would ask me for a username or a password for it. Somebody please tell me what I did wrong and I will reinstall in a heartbeat, following your guidelines. Thank you.
i myself wouldnt put a password in till rebooted into system
once logged in as root run "passwd" this will then ask you for root password
"adduser username" adds a user then add that user to groups you wish that user to be in
arch linux doesnt automate the install too much for simple fact everyone does/wants things differently
which is why its recommended you start with base install & build from there
if you think you have the time & patience to learn please press on, just be warned arch does require learning cli
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. Great help. I'll get right to it and let you know.
i myself wouldnt put a password in till rebooted into system
once logged in as root run "passwd" this will then ask you for root password
"adduser username" adds a user then add that user to groups you wish that user to be inarch linux doesnt automate the install too much for simple fact everyone does/wants things differently
which is why its recommended you start with base install & build from there
if you think you have the time & patience to learn please press on, just be warned arch does require learning cli
Great advice. I'm in. Created root password, new user and password. When trying to upgrade system, I'm faced now with 'invalid locale' 'using defauld 'C'
Upgrade failed. What to do with this now? Is there a file I can reconfigure? Thanks.
you edit /etc/locale.gen, and search the forums to see if that problem hasn't been posted before
Thanks. I'll do that.
Yeah, that happened to me, but my thread is on the fourth page by now.
If you want to change the name ("myhost"), its in the same file as where you typed in eth0=dhcp. Off the top of my head, I think its /etc/rc.d?
Thanks for your reply. I have everything now except a connection to internet. I cannot upgrade. I cannot install anything. It's very frustrating. I went through all the steps. I searched and search. I got a number of hits on 'invalid locale' I tried everything. I edited /etc/rc something. I changed eth0 to DHCP. I have DSL>Router>DHCP. If somebody can give me any help in connecting to internet I'd be very grateful. Thanks.
If I type 'pacman -Syu', I get:
warning: url scheme not specified, assuming http
::Synchronizing package databases...
error: failed retrieving file 'current.db.tar.gz' from : Transient resolver failure
ad infinitum with all the mirrors.
Last edited by scorp3000 (2007-07-20 02:38:40)
All that could have been avoided if you read the Manual and the Wiki on installing first. Typical homework-problems.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
Well if you run ifconfig it tells if you have ip at all. Or it may just be /etc/resolv.conf missing dns server line (should be automatically created by dhcp)
As root, type:
dhcpcd eth0
Also, possibly post you /etc/rc.conf if you need help?
Lots of these questions already have answers either here in the forums, or in the wiki.
Arch takes a bit of patience when you are first learning it, if you are new to linux. So good luck, and have fun!
As root, type:
dhcpcd eth0
Also, possibly post you /etc/rc.conf if you need help?
Lots of these questions already have answers either here in the forums, or in the wiki.
Arch takes a bit of patience when you are first learning it, if you are new to linux. So good luck, and have fun!
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'll get to it ASAP and post content of file. One of my problems is that I have 2 LAN cards in this box. Ubuntu and SimplyMepis use eth1. I'm unsure if to change eyh0 to eth1 in rc.conf. Also I change Hook to "dhcp", but it didn't work. There is a persistent problem that appears during installation of 'invalid locale', 'using 'C' as default'. I tried commenting and uncommenting different locales, but didn't work. (Router is connected to eth1)
Did you run locale-gen after changing /etc/locale.gen? It doesn't appear that anyone mentioned this yet.
Posting that rc.conf will almost certainly get you more help.
All that could have been avoided if you read the Manual and the Wiki on installing first. Typical homework-problems.
I can only agree. Rc.conf sets the hostname, and locale.gen handles the locales. Both have been offered to you for editing by the installer . You simply cannot have missed them. If you install Arch for the 'l33tness' and end up hitting 'default' because you didn't read up, please move along
Last edited by B (2007-07-20 22:41:57)
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
if you have trouble with eth1 or wireless card. make sure to install your wireless driver firmware and modprobe it
also check under HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and make sure that net isn't listed in there. Hope this helps a little.
if you have trouble with eth1 or wireless card. make sure to install your wireless driver firmware and modprobe it
also check under HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and make sure that net isn't listed in there. Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for your reply. I'm doing everything they advised me here, and BTW I didn't just 'read' the conf files; I worked at them the best I could. And if the advise is to 'move along', that guy doesn't belong in a forum where they are supposed to help. It's a snotty attitude. I also read the wiki pages and the Installation Manual, I think you will all agree ArchLinux is not easy. I'm also not a Linux Guru. Those that are, sometimes they forget that they once were also 'newbies'. There have been people that are great in this thread and have helped me a lot; and there are others that, well, what can I say?.But I don't give up. Never done. Never will. I'm not at the box now, but I will post the files requested later. Thank you.
Taylor wrote:if you have trouble with eth1 or wireless card. make sure to install your wireless driver firmware and modprobe it
also check under HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and make sure that net isn't listed in there. Hope this helps a little.
I also read the wiki pages and the Installation Manual, I think you will all agree ArchLinux is not easy.
I totally agree with you. Lol, I had my friend help me via ssh to get wireless working because I didn't understand the ways of conf files. But I get your point.
Taylor wrote:if you have trouble with eth1 or wireless card. make sure to install your wireless driver firmware and modprobe it
also check under HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and make sure that net isn't listed in there. Hope this helps a little.
Thanks for your reply. I'm doing everything they advised me here, and BTW I didn't just 'read' the conf files; I worked at them the best I could. And if the advise is to 'move along', that guy doesn't belong in a forum where they are supposed to help. It's a snotty attitude. I also read the wiki pages and the Installation Manual, I think you will all agree ArchLinux is not easy. I'm also not a Linux Guru. Those that are, sometimes they forget that they once were also 'newbies'. There have been people that are great in this thread and have helped me a lot; and there are others that, well, what can I say?.But I don't give up. Never done. Never will. I'm not at the box now, but I will post the files requested later. Thank you.
Sometimes people may come off just a bit abrasive here, but they don't mean it. This really is the best GNU/Linux distribution, and the best community forum available. Please don't give up, or let people's hasty words get you down.
Welcome to Arch!
has your /tmp enough permissions to read and write???
I had a problem login on KDM and solved it giving it all the permissions
Thanks for your replies and support.
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