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I have set up a local repo. I have put in it a pkg made on a cvs version of a pkg in the extra repo.
Now when I try to install my package with pacman -Sy, pacman on ly sees the package from extra.
I checked and rechacked to content of the local repo package database (.db.tar.gz) and everything seems ok.
Any ideas???
try pacman -U pkgname.pkg.tar.gz
That effectively works, thank you, but that's not what I want to do.
I want to have a local repo that I could share afterwards.
the repo oder in /etc/pacman.conf is significant, also, it's prolly good idea to name your pkg accordingly, pkg-cvs as opposed to just pkg, then add the appropriate arrays in the pkgbuild conflicts=('pkg') and provides=('pkg')
Thank you raeven.
I don't like the idea that repo order in pacman.conf is important. comparing two versions of the same package should be irrespective of this order. I will try and play with this order however.
I take your suggestion of playing with different package names and conflicts/replaces. However my idea was that my cvs build would be automatically bumped by a new official release in arch, without having to bother when this would happen.
Suppose the extra package is foo-1.0. I'm building foo-1.0+cvs20070720 because it contains an important fix.
Pacman does not currently upgrade foo-1.0 to foo-1.0+cvs20070720. This is my issue (please note that even if I build my cvs version with a version 2.0, pacman does not upgrade it). So I have to "force" the upgrade with pacman -U.
Now if 1.1 is released upstream (with the fix) and packaged in extra, it will bump my build. If I had built foo-cvs-1.0 with conflicts/replaces foo, this would not happen.
oh ok, i get your point also, you can force to install from a specific repo by `pacman -S repo/pkg`
I don't like the idea that repo order in pacman.conf is important.
This is the way pacman is designed. If you wish to suggest an alternative, I'd recommend you subscribe to the pacman-dev mailing list, and propose it there.
Pacman does not currently upgrade foo-1.0 to foo-1.0+cvs20070720.
Read man PKGBUILD, and look for the force parameter in the options= array.
As a general rule, if you wish packages in your repo to take precedence over identically-named packages in any other repo, yours needs to be at the top of the list in /etc/pacman.conf.
I think it is intentional that the order of the repositories in the pacman.conf be important. It certainly provides a benefit in allowing you to enable the testing and unstable repositories without having to upgrade to all the packages they contain if you put current first, since you might only want a couple of specific packages.
This is the way pacman is designed. If you wish to suggest an alternative, I'd recommend you subscribe to the pacman-dev mailing list, and propose it there.
Relax Tomk. this is the newbie section. before I dare use a *-dev mailing list I need to understand better the philosphy here in Arch Community. Consider I joined yesterday and my first post is slammed by a dev....
More seriously. I take your points. I have played with the orders of repos and yes, it can partially answer my goals but IMHO it is a limitation. Yes I can force an install, but then I can not have a newer version in the official repos bump my own build.
I just thought, as a newbie that lexicographical order of versions for identical package names would be the simple rule (this is KISS). This is what apt does (it also provides the force and repos selectiove commands).
Slammed?? I just gave you some advice.... :?
Thank you.