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Hi, I when I play full screen games, like nexuiz, torcs o xmame games, I can't minimize them with the typical ALT+ESC, and also, if I press Impr Paint when playing, it doesn't works (on the desktop, gnome-screenshot works).
Is there anyway to do that?
Only deaths can see the end of battles.
Blog: -> The life of a Computer Engineer
Hi, Davigetto.
Normally when I'm using a full-screen app, I switch desktops, launch gimp and tell it to capture the entire screen in 5 seconds (or however much time you need to switch back) and switch to the original desktop you were using before.
I've never done this with a game (I don't play games ), but I imagine that it would work.
You can bin a key to do so if your WM supports binding keys.
In dwm it's fairly easy. <:
Hail to the thief!
On a full screen game I can't switch desktops, to take an screenshot, I must stop the game, so... xDDDDD
harlekin, what you refer when telling "WM"??
Only deaths can see the end of battles.
Blog: -> The life of a Computer Engineer
A window manager as dwm, wmii, ion, gnome, xfce, kde. Where as kde, gnome, and xfce (?) are desktop environments as well. I don't know it there's a special service that is their WM.
edit: I just saw, that you're using gnome applications. Assuming, your using gnome: Isn't there any possibility to bind keys?
edit2: If my assumption is right, maybe this link will help: I don't know what metacity is, but it seems at least to be gnome related. Google will find useful links for other WMs as well, I bet.
Last edited by harlekin (2007-07-23 07:27:12)
Hail to the thief!
How to take screenshots.
1. Launch an application on a separate X server. The easiest way is to use xlaunch (
2. Switch from that application to any desktop (Ctrl+Alt+...) and run in console something like
sleep 5; DISPLAY=:1 import -window root screen.png
while true; do
sleep 5; DISPLAY=:1 import -window root screen-`date +%T`.png
where :1 is an identifier of a new display (you can know it by running "ps aux | grep Xorg").
3. Switch to a new display during 5 seconds.
Last edited by George_K (2007-07-23 08:44:52)
Not sure if the reason you want to minimize is to take a screenie, but in nexuiz , ingame screeendump is F12 - not sure about other games. saves to a dir, and you can then work with it later. Check the dropdown/config menus on other games.