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#1 2007-08-14 08:29:09

Registered: 2007-05-04
Posts: 11

Qt applications not respecting settings in /etc/fonts/local.conf

I've configured /etc/fonts/local.conf to render fonts just the way I like it, and this works perfectly in Gtk applications like Firefox and Pidgin. However, it appears that Qt applications are either totally ignoring those settings or overriding some of them -- most notably hinting on bold fonts. In Gtk programs, auto hinting is disabled for bold fonts to prevent them from looking too bold. In Qt programs (like KDE's panel), this isn't the case, and as a result it looks quite ugly.

I've taken two screenshots to demonstrate this (the first is Firefox rendering them correctly, and the second is KDE failing):

fonts-gtk fonts-qt

In KControl, antialiasing is configured to "system settings" but this doesn't seem to work as implied.

Is there anyway to tell Qt/KDE to render fonts as specified in /etc/fonts/local.conf?


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