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Dear all,
there are some issues to know to use the pre_install function?
I used it to add an user and a group (using groupadd and useradd) before install a package (zabbix-agent),
but the pre_install instructions are bypassed by pacman. So I had to put the instructions in the post_install function
and use chown to do the things that I did using install command.
can you post your PKGBUILD and install file please?
# Contributor: Enrico Morelli <>
pkgdesc="Software for monitoring of your applications, network and servers."
source=($pkgver.tar.gz zabbix_agent.conf zabbix_agentd.conf zabbix-agentd zabbix-agent.install)
build() {
cd $startdir/src/zabbix-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-agent
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
install -d -o zabbix -g zabbix -m0750 $startdir/pkg/var/run/zabbix $startdir/pkg/var/log/zabbix
install -d -o zabbix -g zabbix $startdir/pkg/etc/zabbix
install -D -o zabbix -g zabbix -m0640 $startdir/src/zabbix_agent.conf $startdir/pkg/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.conf
install -D -o zabbix -g zabbix -m0640 $startdir/src/zabbix_agentd.conf $startdir/pkg/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
install -D -o zabbix -g zabbix -m0755 $startdir/src/zabbix-agentd $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/zabbix-agentd
pre_install() {
groupadd zabbix
useradd -g zabbix -d /dev/null zabbix
post_remove() {
userdel zabbix
rm -rf /var/run/zabbix
$op $*
I think you're confused about what pre_install does. The function pre_install is run before the package is installed via pacman -S or pacman -U. No functions in the install file will run during package build (ie. during makepkg).
The group won't exist until after the package is installed, so your commands
install -d -o zabbix -g zabbix
won't work. Generally, the way to handle this is to specify a specific user ID and group ID in the install file, and use those ids in the build() function.
Also, why does the rc.d script (or anything for that matter) need user/group to be set to zabbix?
I think you're confused about what pre_install does. The function pre_install is run before the package is installed via pacman -S or pacman -U. No functions in the install file will run during package build (ie. during makepkg).
The group won't exist until after the package is installed, so your commands
install -d -o zabbix -g zabbix
won't work. Generally, the way to handle this is to specify a specific user ID and group ID in the install file, and use those ids in the build() function.
Ok. So what is the best solution to solve the problem?
Use useradd in the pre_install or in the post_install function?
Also, why does the rc.d script (or anything for that matter) need user/group to be set to zabbix?
This is my mistake. In the real PKGBUILD there isn't changes of owner.
Take a look at the way the Cube PKGBUILD and install file does it - … ag=CURRENT
That's generally how you'd add a group and make sure certain files were chgrp'd to that group.
Again, though, why do these files need to be part of the zabbix group?