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Hi there,
I have got some problems with a printer via network.
Me - Arch (updated)
The Printer is connected with a printserver (Canyon) - this one is normaly conected with our LAN and is run by our Server (Windows 2000).
Normally (which also worked with Ubuntu) I have to install the printer via the Window2000-PC.
This I did with the gnome-cups-manager (the whole process with the ppd-files and so on)....
Now the problems: I can't print: All the time, when I want to print a test-page, the printer is stopped - the job, too!
I saw the part in the wiki (deleting the printer and adding it again) but it doesn't work!
Next problem is, that I'm just able to print or configure the printer as root,
what can I do?
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Do you need more information?
If you want, we can talk via ICQ/Skype/Jabber/IRC and you look via VNC on my PC!
Try cleaning out the spooling dir, that can help occasionaly (/var/spool/cups if i'm correct).
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With network printers the better way, at least in my opinion, is to use the printer's IP address and use that to communicate with it. I tend to add it to my /etc/hosts and that gives me a simple way to "talk" to the printer accurately.
Hope this helps.
Pages: 1