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Arch is so damn great, today I got sound working with my ALC268 chipset
whooot I love it!!!
I just installed Arch on my laptop last night, and I gotta admit it is wonderful. It's what Linux is supposed to be: how it was 10 years ago, but for today's hardware: sleek, unbloated and blazingly fast. I've got a Mac at home, and was beginning to phase Linux out, considering modern distributions were so obsessed with user-friendliness that they became even more sluggish and unstable than Windows. I've finally found a modern distribution that just works -- and works how I want it to!
Thanks Arch!
I am a jealous ubuntu feisty user and I have to say that Arch is the best distro yet to be created. I find ubuntu to be a bit too noobie friendly. I find the apt package system to be frustrating at time because ubuntu ships with both apt-get and aptitude (which are incompatible). Arch seems, on the other hand, to be just right for everyone (thanks to the awesome wiki and forum ). A distro should have a complete package manager that only does what is supposed to and is user-friendly. Pacman is that package manager.
Right now I am running arch in Virtual box via ubuntu feisty. I would install it for real, but arch complains about "critical temperatures reached: shutting down". My next computer will run arch exclusively.
Check me out on twitter!!!
Arch is awesome. I can finally have a linux distro built the way I want it...exactly. Perfect for a full Desktop, laptop, or a super lightweight gaming machine, and it does not take forever to get setup.
HP Chromebook 14
It doesn't matter which distro is too much noob-friendly, or which distro is too much l33t-friendly. The whole fvcking idea of software is to get my job done. I don't ponder about elitism, which is a total waste of time. My benefits are my benefits alone, and i take the time to scrutinize the tools of my life. Any Linux distro can be tweaked to fit your needs. In fact, the end result for each and every distro is a recursive solution. Afterall, the differences between these distros are just modular things left out or fixed in. You can always go this way or that way even after having set up your perfect customizable operating system.
Judd has put it very clearly, every distribution exists for a reason. Im just another one of these users who feel the need to use Arch Linux. Sure I could go and deploy a Linux system from scratch, or install the #1 distrowatch distro (i have PCLinuxOS in another computer, though i don't know if it's #1), or tinker with Gentoo (i already have a Gentoo DAW), but I have chosen Arch to be in my primary working notebook because it has the right blend of benefits for the pattern of usage.
Well all that blabbering sure doesn't get close to what I really wanted to post:
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.
Thank you for the great work.
I've only been using Arch for about a week now and so far I think it's great. It looks like it's what I've been looking for.
I've been a devoted Slackware user for about 3 years now and I love it, but once in a while I would try another distro looking for something a little leaner and with a better package management system, but with the same flexibility and KISS philosophy, and it looks like Arch is it. I also love the the idea of a modular KDE where you can install just what you want or need.
Great job.
"Not one of you has the right to consign Bess to hell" --Dodo.
Cannot praise the Arch devs and TUs enough. Bleeding edge and stable, at least in my experience. And I haven't had to post a question in the forums yet. All the info I've needed so far has been on the wiki or already in the forums. Excellence just abounds in this distro.
I started with Suse, then used Mandrake for some time, but since two years arch is the perfect distro for me - a big thank you to all developers, you do a great job!
Why I still like Arch Linux the best.
I'd never heard of Arch until today. Finished downloading the ISO (current) at ~2100 my time. It's 0028 now, and I have a fully functional xfce4 environment running inside virtualbox with all my apps as I like them. I'm about to blow Ubuntu off this computer and install Arch.
This is, by far, the best first experience I've ever had with a distro. Now I'll have to see if I can get my VM provider to provide Arch as one of the distros.
Thanks to the developer's and community that made Arch what it is.
Last edited by sinecure (2007-09-22 22:28:24)
I've been an Arch user for over 3 years now, and I recently became very thankful I am. I use an old Dell box as an ssh server so I can tunnel into my home network. It's a base Arch install with openssh on it (real bare bones). Well the HD crashed and it wouldn't boot. I took an old spare HD I found, installed Arch 8.0, did an update, and setup ssh. In 30 minutes my server was back up and running. Try that with some of the other distros. Thanks Arch!
"Oh, they have the internet on computers now."
Arch isn't best: … #editorial
it doesn't has Security mailing list
Arch isn't best: … #editorial
it doesn't has Security mailing list
A security mailing list is good but what's more important is that security bugs are found and reported in relevant bug trackers.
I can't say for sure that Arch is the best, because I have yet to try them all... and don't have any plans to at this point because Arch appears to do what I want without doing things I do not want, thus I [currently] have no reason to try anything else.
Great distro guys, keep up the good work!
mmm... Linux...
That's nearly mainstream.
Gnome 0n Arch = Heaven
Is there Arch after death?
bebop lives
Well, i have nothing to add here
I just wanted to Salute the Archlinux community , the Developpers and the Philosophers !
Great Job ! I am happy now with my laptop !
After having used nearly all distros, only gentoo approaches arch ... but in the end gentoo is tiring and doesnt make fun anymore after a couple of days ... the only advantage it has over Arch is the availability of packages ...
However, Arch is much faster than gentoo, and boots up 10 seconds faster !
Hail To Arch !
I just like it because it's easy to maintain. And it's working - most of the time...
Album reviews (in german):
Arch is best for the users that use it. Nothing more and nothing less. For the distro hoppers like I once were who stumbled apon Arch, realised that we didn't have to hop around anymore. We finally feel like we're home .
I've been using Linux for nearly 10 years now (redhat, suse, gentoo, fedora, mandrake, debian....) and Archlinux is probably the best distro I've ever used!!! :-) Thanks for your work!!!
Last edited by ddoan (2007-10-26 17:32:50)
Since I've been using GNU/Linux in general for about 5+ years, I've always been using slackware (I still keep this one old box that refuses to die ;-) ) and happy with its minimalist philosophy.
So when I came to Archlinux about a year ago (didn't join the forum until recently though...), I was instantly hooked because of a) the K.I.S.S. philosophy b) ABS - which let's me have the same kind of flexibility that slackware bootstrapped with pkgsrc did, but with less work maintaining my own ports tree and finally c) the awesome community and coherence of the distribution :-)
Thanks to all that make Archlinux possible!!!
The water never asked for a channel, and the channel never asked for water.
I just wanted to share that I have been using arch for about 9 months now and the more I use it the more I think this is the distro for me. I will be switching out my other linux install [xubuntu] for arch very soon, then it'll be 2 arch machines, one of which dual boots windows, and a openbsd firewall for me. I'm considering switching the openbsd pf firewall to arch as well but that will be a few months till I get to it. it really makes me feel at home to see all the other former distro hoppers as happy as I am with arch.
Arch is Best!
I must agree, Arch is best. Some distros feel like you are cheating because they are so "easy" (read: bloated and dumbed down), but I can't go the full on Gentoo route as I have no patience for the constant recompiling as I measure once and cut twice.
Arch is fast, stable, up to date, and does allow for custom builds if need be. Plus the community rocks! What else can you ask for?
After about a year of distro switching I finally settled on Arch.
Pros: Newbie-friendly, fast and light, powerful, up-to-date (rolling distro)
Cons: NONE
I'm in the process of converting all of my home computers to Arch.
Keep up the good work.