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Pages: 1
I found a conky script on here that has a arch logo on it, in the conkyrc, this is used
$color ${font openlogos:bold:size=18}B$
But all that shows up is a "B" but its supposed to have the arch logo, Am i missing the openlogos font??
That seems to be it. You can get the font here: … tent=54390
0 Ok, 0:1
I don't mean to be extra noobish, but that gives you a pdf with the logos, am i missing something here?
I don't mean to be extra noobish, but that gives you a pdf with the logos, am i missing something here?
The *.zip file you download from the link provided has two files in it:
If you only got the *.pdf, try again.
The *.ttf file is the font file. The *.pdf file (to which you referred) just contains the key / legend for which key is mapped to which logo. So, from the key, we see Arch is B, thus your conky code as you submitted.
Just copy the *.ttf file to ~/.fonts or to /usr/share/fonts/TTF.
Also, be sure to close your font tag with "$font" after using the openlogos font (or any font for that matter).
thanks that worked, you've been greatly helpful
Pages: 1