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OK, after update today (a whole lot of lib32 packages) I don't have flash plugin anymore
I did, I think, what I was supposed to do:
nspluginwrapper -r $HOME/.mozilla/plugins/*
followed by
nspluginwrapper -v -a -i
and I got the following error message:
Auto-install plugins from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
Looking for plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
/usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer.bin: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Auto-install plugins from /home/filip/.mozilla/plugins
Looking for plugins in /home/filip/.mozilla/plugins
Any ideas?
Edit: read on for the solution...
Last edited by fwojciec (2007-08-27 15:13:26)
Same problem here.
Ditto. Is there no 32-bit version of pcre?
Same problem here. Also, opera doesn't work anymore.
I have the same problem. Looks like it's also reported in this thread:
We should also update this wiki page once we figure out the solution: … _on_Arch64
Yeah, that was my thread before I read this one here
I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth using x64 bit operating systems, they seem to be a lot more work...
Same problem here :\
I got screwed too
I miss my Youtube
Same here
I have cleared my /var/cache/pacman directory recently, but could any of you check which files include libpcre?
Something like this should work, but can take a while:
for i in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/*.tar.gz; do tar -tzf $i | grep libpcre; if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then echo $i; echo; fi; done
Had the same problem. Got around it by making my own lib32-pcre and lib32-zlib packages.
Something wrong in the current lib32-zlib package?
archlinux x86_64 user || My PKGBUILDs
Here is PKGBUILD that solves the problem (based on current lib32-zlib PKGBUILD):
pkgdesc="A compression/decompression Library"
build() {
cd $startdir/src
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/usr/lib
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/lib
cp -dp usr/lib/*.so* $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/usr/lib
cp -dp lib/*.so* $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/lib
Last edited by tanis (2007-08-27 13:52:48)
You could have included your PKGBUILD so others could use it
Anyway, here is my solution:
pkgdesc="A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions"
build() {
cd $startdir/src
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/lib
cp -dp lib/*.so* $startdir/pkg/opt/lib32/lib
Last edited by tanis (2007-08-27 13:55:40)
You could have included your PKGBUILD so others could use it
Well, my solution was really a quick one. just compiled in 32-bit chroot and made it a package in 64-bit install.
I waited to someone to make a better one
archlinux x86_64 user || My PKGBUILDs
Thank you for those PKGBUILDs, tanis, the problem is now solved
All is good thanks to these PKGBUILDS, as other have already indicated. I guess I will have to read up on making lib32 PKGBUILDS in case something like this happens in the future (I'm still new to the x86_64 but I like it and I mean to stay). Thanks for the help!
Great, great, great. I had the same problem and it works fine now!
The PCRE package doesn't work for me. kcontrol no longer works, complaning that it's using elfclass32. I think I should just install the i686 version :\
edit: I think I'm stupid... I installed the regular one instead of the lib32 64 bit version... Don't mind me
Last edited by heleos (2007-08-27 16:20:36)
OK, now these PKGBUILDs worked for my Opera and Flash, but now I can't use mplayer or pacman anymore... Which means that I can't remove these packages.
It just says
mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
sudo pacman -R lib32-pcre zlib-1.2.3-2
pacman: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
All works fine here - sorry, that's probably not what you wanted to hear...
I noticed you were trying to remove "zlib-1.2.3-2" with pacman... Why?
The package that should have been created with the above zlib PKGBUILD is "lib32-zlib"... If, somehow, for some reason, you have removed the regular zlib package and/or installed the i686 version in its place I guess you'll need to install the 64bit zlib from source (./configure -- make -- make install method since pacman is broken for you apparently) and then force-reinstall the proper arch64 zlib package (once you get pacman working again).
Uhmm... no, actually I didn't want to remove the "normal" version and I also didn't remove it in the first place, that was just a typo
anyway, i just copied these two PKGBUILDs into Kate, saved them, makepkg'd them and did a pacman -U on them. Then Opera and Flash worked fine for me. After I posted here I rebooted (I'm stupid ) and now even X won't start up anymore, so I'm basically stuck with Bash.
After all I can type on my laptop, but what shall I do to repair my Arch?
If I do indeed have to do what you said, where do I get the correct sources (I'm new to Arch )?
Thanks, and sorry for my English, it has become quite dusty.
Can't I just chroot into my existing installation using the FTP Install CD to replace the existing 64 Bit zlib (or whatever the error is)? Problem is, I don't exactly know how.
Last edited by Apocalypse Dude (2007-08-27 18:34:36)
I'm not sure if this solution will be something that you'll be able to work with. Basically it's not entirely straight-forward, but certainly doable.
Idea 1:
Basically, the problem on your system, it seems, is that zlib (not lib32-zlib) is 32bit version thus your regular 64bit apps (pacman, mplayer and others) don't work, so you need to install 64bit zlib manually (without using pacman). It should be possible as long as compiling works.
The PKGBUILD for zlib is here: … cvs-markup
Now, you can't use makepkg on it (because even if it succeeds you will not be able to install the resulting package with pacman), but you should be able to manually reproduce everything that the makepkg/pacman accomplishes based on the PKGBUILD code. This requires, however, that you understand what is happening in the PKGBUILD and are able to reproduce its effects manually using the code as the guide.
Idea 2:
A much more crude solution, though it might be easier in the end, would be to temporally copy the correct (64bit) version of ( is just a symbolic link that points to - you might have to check if the link is correct after copying) to /lib directory. Naturally you'd need to obtain the correct version somehow... I've uploaded it for you just in case (link) since I won't be at my 64bit machine until much later today. That would hopefully enable you to use pacman again so that you could reinstall the zlib package.
Disclaimer !!! -- This is how I would go about trying to fix this issue - this is all very hackish and might do something bad to your system, but it might work as well. Maybe someone else can chime in and suggest a more elegant solution...
Whoa, many thanks mate!
I'll give it a try tomorrow as a buddy has just called me over to watch a movie, but I'll let you know if it worked. :>
much thanks for your PKGBUILDs. solved my problem.
Yay Chocolate Rain!
Jayson Vaughn
#pacman -R GOP
(1/302) removing John Boehner [#####################] 100%