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Just need to confirm that it's working. And what about quality. Is it worser than before doing it?
What method do you think is the best?
I can defiantly have sound in multiple applications. I usually play music with MPD, with Pidgin making noises every once in a while, and possibly the occasional youtube video or flash game making sounds.
Do you have problems with it? I didn't have to do anything special to get it to work, I just use ALSA normally.
I did nothing and I don't have sound in many apps. How did you do it:)
I read wiki and there is a way to do that. I thought initially you don't have sound in many apps.
Install alsa-* and put alsa in your daemons, then run alsaconf as root.
Done. Doesn't help. Are you sure that alsa has out of the box support ?