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Is there a way to ignore some packages from the '--devel' switch? I mean that I have git versions of compiz-fusion packages installed from a repository and Yaourt wants to update these with '--devel'. I want to wait for the package maintainer to build new packages, not build them myself.
I hope you understand what i mean
archlinux x86_64 user || My PKGBUILDs
Also, wain, have you thought of redoing yaourt as a C/C++ application? You can use libalp (I think that is what it is) then! Also, it'll be a bit faster, but harder to code, I guess. Anyways, it's just a suggestion.
Oh bash is more fun
The reality is if I could develop in C, I will have written patch for pacman rather than yaourt
Found out how to get the title after reading (see links above)!
Uses the WM_NAME property of a terminal as well as it's window id ($WINDOWID). ROXTerm doesn't seem to set this but the majority of VTE-based terminal emulators seem to do so. A one-liner is provided at the link.
hi to all.
I'm using archlinux for some time at work and i have a problem runing yaourt through a proxy connection.
Pacman works fine with the same setup. Is this a missing feature of yaourt? Or it can be configured somehow?
The proxy settings are exported in /etc/profile in order to be available for the entire system.
yaourt doesn't support proxy. That could be easy to add in next release (next week ?).
Is there a way to ignore some packages from the '--devel' switch? I mean that I have git versions of compiz-fusion packages installed from a repository and Yaourt wants to update these with '--devel'. I want to wait for the package maintainer to build new packages, not build them myself.
I hope you understand what i mean
ok, maybe an option to ignore update if package is available in some repository (unstable or unofficial) could do the trick ?
ok, maybe an option to ignore update if package is available in some repository (unstable or unofficial) could do the trick ?
Yeah, i think that should do it
archlinux x86_64 user || My PKGBUILDs
where can I find a wiki 4 customizepkg ??
Gnu/Linux User on Arch(x86_64)
where can I find a wiki 4 customizepkg ??
There is no wiki at this time but there are some example in /etc/customizepkg.d/
Here is an other:
To build claws-mail without gnome dependencies, create the file "/etc/customizepkg.d/claws-mail"
one more:
to replace codecs-essential by codecs-all(for mplayer):
Last edited by wain (2007-08-12 18:21:59)
tnks... and briliant work btw... kinda remind me of the use flag of gentoo
Gnu/Linux User on Arch(x86_64)
Sorry for my bad english.
I maked simple hack for yaourt: resume download from aur when donwload be cancelled.
Change following:
if [ -d "$wdir" ]; then
rm -rf "$wdir" || { error "Unable to delete directory $wdir. Please remove it using root privileges."; return 1; }
mkdir -p "$wdir" || { error "Unable to create directory $wdir."; return 1; }
with this:
if [ -d "$wdir" ]; then
echo "resuming download"
mkdir -p "$wdir" || { error "Unable to create directory $wdir."; return 1; }
for lazy:
Archlinux package - … 6pkgtar.gz
please rename yaourt-083_hacked-1-i686pkgtar.gz to yaourt-0.8.3_hacked-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
Last edited by Vyazovoi (2007-08-21 22:50:10)
(I've just posted this as comment on AUR, but I'm not sure if this here is a better place.)
I had a problem that when I did 'yaourt -Syu --aur' gave me an error about line 1240 in /usr/bin/yaourt, too many arguments. I think it was because the tail command in pkgversion() (line 397) didn't do anything and in effect didn't strip off the %VERSION% string. I have replaced that line - 397 - with the following, based on sed instead of grep+tail:
grep -srl --line-regexp --include="desc" "$1" "$PACMANROOT/local" | xargs sed -n '/^%VERSION%$/{n;p}'
and now it works.
Any suggestions what went wrong? It's strange that nobody else seems to have that problem, isn't it?
EDIT: Disregard pls. I've just found that I had tail in my personal bin dir symlinked to turbotail which apparently didn't behave like it should have in that case. I leave the above as it is however, in case someone is interested in the sed command...
Last edited by awagner (2007-08-27 12:38:50)
i hava a problem with yaourt... i use aterm and every time i use yaourt the window title gets set to "rxvt". why is that?
why is it that yaourt is searching for so many packages on AUR that I have from regular repos?:
yaourt -Syu --aur
xvidenc: up to date
zlib: not found on AUR
Following packages have not been installed:
pam pango patch pciutils pcmciautils pcre perl perlxml pkgconfig popt portmap postgresql-libs ppp printproto procinfo procmail procps psmisc pycairo pygobject pygtk python python-numeric randrproto readline recordproto reiserfsprogs renderproto rp-pppoe screen scrnsaverproto scrollkeeper sed shadow slocate smbclient startup-notification sudo sysfsutils syslog-ng sysvinit tar tcl tcp_wrappers texlive-dummy tk trapproto ttf-bitstream-vera unzip usbutils util-linux vi videoproto visibility-git vorbis-tools w3m wget which wpa_supplicant wv xcb-proto xcursor-themes xextproto xf86dgaproto xf86miscproto xf86vidmodeproto xfsdump xfsprogs xineramaproto xorg xorg-apps xorg-clients xorg-fonts-100dpi xorg-fonts-alias xorg-fonts-encodings xorg-fonts-misc xorg-fonts-type1 xorg-font-utils xorg-res-utils xorg-server-utils xorg-twm xorg-utils xorg-xauth xorg-xdm xorg-xfs xorg-xfwp xorg-xinit xorg-xkb-utils xorg-xsm xproto xtrans zlib
# a
# a
# ~/yaourtrc - Configuration for yaourt
# See yaourt(8) for more information
# AlwaysUpgradeDevel no
# AlwaysUpgradeAur no
# AlwaysForce no
# AurVoteSupport yes
# ColorMod Normal
# ColorMod LightBackGround
# ColorMod NoColor
# EditPkgbuild yes
# ExportToLocalRepository /where/you/want
# NoConfirm no
# PacmanBin /usr/bin/pacman-color
# PkgbuildEditor gvim
# SearchInAurUnsupported yes
# ShowAurComment yes
# TmpDirectory /where/you/want
# Define here your prefered Sourceforge mirror: (none surfnet ufpr heanet easynews umn switch belnet kent mesh optusnet jaist puzzle superb-east nchc superb-west)
# SourceforgeMirror heanet
SourceforgeMirror mesh
AlwaysUpgradeAur no
ExportToLocalRepository /var/abs/local/archive
Sorry for my bad english.
I maked simple hack for yaourt: resume download from aur when donwload be cancelled.
oh cool
This patch will be included in next release ;-)
i hava a problem with yaourt... i use aterm and every time i use yaourt the window title gets set to "rxvt". why is that?
This is a known problem. See above post for details.
You can add something like this in your .bashrc:
PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
It looks like a pacman database problem. Try to run "pacman -Q" to see if database works
It looks like a pacman database problem. Try to run "pacman -Q" to see if database works
Yes, it does. I also ran pacman -Syc and then yaourt -C -d to clean up what's possible. The problem persists...
Last edited by awagner (2007-08-31 20:33:21)
wain wrote:@awagner:
It looks like a pacman database problem. Try to run "pacman -Q" to see if database worksYes, it does. I also ran pacman -Syc and then yaourt -C -d to clean up what's possible. The problem persists...
Please try to sync with another mirror and confirm that pacman -Si zlib return:
Repository : current
Name : zlib
Version : 1.2.3-2
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : glibc
Removes : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 104.04 K
Installed Size : 0.00 K
Description : A compression/decompression Library
MD5 Sum : 74bf4f9b8c8345efa6488ed01171b0cd
I have shuffled my mirrors around (for all repositories),
and a pacman -Sy needed to redownload 'extra'. However, now comes the funny part:
[root@apollo etc]# pacman -Si zlib
Fehler: Paket 'zlib' wurde nicht gefunden.
[root@apollo etc]# pacman -Ss zlib
extra/perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.005-1
Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library
extra/perl-compress-zlib 2.005-1
Perl module for Zlib compression
extra/perl-io-compress-zlib 2.005-1
Write zlib files/buffers
extra/perl-io-zlib 1.05-1
Perl module for IO:: Style Interface to Compress::Zlib
community/lib32-zlib 1.2.3-2.1 (lib32)
A compression/decompression Library
The error message means: Error: Package 'zlib' has not been found. I'm on Arch64, if that's of interest.
I have shuffled my mirrors around (for all repositories),
and a pacman -Sy needed to redownload 'extra'. However, now comes the funny part:[root@apollo etc]# pacman -Si zlib Fehler: Paket 'zlib' wurde nicht gefunden. [root@apollo etc]# pacman -Ss zlib extra/perl-compress-raw-zlib 2.005-1 Low-Level Interface to zlib compression library extra/perl-compress-zlib 2.005-1 Perl module for Zlib compression extra/perl-io-compress-zlib 2.005-1 Write zlib files/buffers extra/perl-io-zlib 1.05-1 Perl module for IO:: Style Interface to Compress::Zlib community/lib32-zlib 1.2.3-2.1 (lib32) A compression/decompression Library
The error message means: Error: Package 'zlib' has not been found. I'm on Arch64, if that's of interest.
please can you paste your mirror list ?
our french mirror has zlib for x86_64:
Last edited by wain (2007-09-01 13:15:47)
Thanks for developing such a great tool!
One feature request: Allow queuing of pacman operations to allow multiple yaourt instances to be run at once. Say you have 2 yaourt operations running on different sessions. Usually, when yaourt 1 attempts to use pacman while the other is using it, the package downloaded will fail to install, skipping the package and spitting out the 'unable to lock pacman rm /tmp/pacman.lck ....' error message. It would be nice if the other instance would wait for the first one to finish.
I don't think this will cause any mess or conflicting setup since pacman is still called upon only once at any one time.
Last edited by (2007-09-02 11:09:05)
Thanks in advance!
I'm not the author, but that's a very good possibility. And quite frankly, only about 10 minutes or less of work. Basically, all calls to pacman could be replaced by a function called _pacman. _pacman would be something like this:
function _pacman() {
# Let's check if the lock exists so that we can tell the user we're going to wait
# And actually start the waiting
if [[ -e /tmp/pacman.lock ]]; then
msg "Pacman is currently in use, please wait."
# Pacman is in use, time to wait
while [[ -e /tmp/pacman.lock ]]; then
# Call pacman with all arguments
pacman "$@"
interesting... hope this gets implemented. Thx for your input!
Thanks in advance!
interesting... hope this gets implemented. Thx for your input!
Hmm, nesl247 just implemented it. Maybe you meant "merged to yaourt" instead of implemented.
Maybe you can do it yourself for now and test it, then report if it works correctly
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
Actually, now that I'm looking at yaourt, it's much harder to implement than I thought. The reason being launch_with_su. Because of it, you cannot call any of the functions inside yaourt with it. (can't call sudo <functionname>).
Thus a /usr/bin/pacman.fake would have to be created, which calls pacman in that function I posted with $PACMANBIN.
Actually, now that I'm looking at yaourt, it's much harder to implement than I thought. The reason being launch_with_su. Because of it, you cannot call any of the functions inside yaourt with it. (can't call sudo <functionname>).
Thus a /usr/bin/pacman.fake would have to be created, which calls pacman in that function I posted with $PACMANBIN.
If the -e test can be run as user, maybe it would be enough to just replace pacman by sudo pacman in your _pacman function ?
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
The reason that's a bad idea is that only pacman -S/-U/-R need to be run as sudo/su. -Q can be run as a user, and making it run as sudo would mean you might have to insert your password a billion times.
Ok, here's a rough copy of the implementation. We're going to replace the yaourt binary here, so do this as root:
mv /usr/bin/yaourt /usr/bin/yaourt.vanilla
cd /usr/bin
chmod 755 yaourt pacman.yaourt
The diff to yaourt is available at
The reason that's a bad idea is that only pacman -S/-U/-R need to be run as sudo/su. -Q can be run as a user, and making it run as sudo would mean you might have to insert your password a billion times.
Oh right, actually, that's what I do manually in the shell, I only use sudo with pacman when needed. and I use NOPASSWD for avoiding password.
But you're perfectly right, it's a poor suggestion, sorry
Another one would be to remove the pacman call from _pacman function and maybe rename this to something else like check_lock.
And then either add this new function before each pacman call, or create two new functions _pacman and _pacman_sudo which first call check_lock , and then either pacman or sudo pacman.
Oh well, it would be faster to actually do it than describing it, but it could still be a poor suggestion
Edit : well, I posted this too late, nesl247 already implemented it in another way, but he said he liked my idea better.
We decided to let yaourt's author decide though
Last edited by shining (2007-09-02 21:32:48)
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
Oh this is great to see some interest about yaourt
Recently, I do not have much time to work on it.
Take a look at 0.8.4 release. The great Vyazovoi's patch for resuming previous build is included.
Multiple instances patch has been implemented in a simplest way from my point of view:
The pacman_queuing() function is called directly from yaourt each time it is necessary.
For example:
if [ $REFRESH -eq 1 ]; then
pacman_queuing; launch_with_su "$PACMANBIN -Sy"
Easy no ?
New releases are coming soon.
Last edited by wain (2007-09-03 20:32:20)