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#1 2007-09-01 18:29:02

Registered: 2006-11-21
Posts: 78

Virtual Machine Question


I was wondering if it is possible to install an operating system using a virtual machine and then booting into the actually os from grub without using a virtual machine anymore. I ran out of dvds so I want to try this instead of buying more dvds.

Last edited by amunimanghi (2007-09-01 21:34:26)


#2 2007-09-01 19:03:00

From: Chile
Registered: 2007-07-03
Posts: 137

Re: Virtual Machine Question

give a real partition to your vm and install it

Are u listening?


#3 2007-09-01 21:15:31

Registered: 2006-11-21
Posts: 78

Re: Virtual Machine Question

I think I understand by what you mean. I created an .iso of Windows Vista (bleh, yes i know) and saved it to my hard drive. Virtualbox, the vm I'm using, is installed in /home/ameen/.Virtualbox/... I created all the files and Vista loaded up with its installation. I get to the partition selector and I only see the virtual partition so to say. I have an empty hard drive waiting to be running this and yet it doesn't appear in the list. I already formated it with gparted and I still don't see it. Anyone know what to do?


#4 2007-09-02 09:01:22

From: Sweden
Registered: 2007-01-09
Posts: 121

Re: Virtual Machine Question

I don't got so much experience of virtualbox, but try too look in the settings for your virtual machine, and see if you can add a real hard drive to it (instead of using a file as a hard drive)


#5 2007-09-02 14:25:37

From: Chile
Registered: 2007-07-03
Posts: 137

Re: Virtual Machine Question

1311219 wrote:

I don't got so much experience of virtualbox, but try too look in the settings for your virtual machine, and see if you can add a real hard drive to it (instead of using a file as a hard drive)

Thats is what i meant.. i dont know if virtualbox can do it but at least with qemu u can use every file ( including your disc /dev/sda ... )

you could make a pacman -S qemu-launcher
or just simply use qemu ( i recommend qemu-launcher and where it says hard drive put /dev/sdX (whatever the REMAINING disc or Partition is ) and install... then modifiy your grub list file to lauch the os you installed .. ops you should have write access to file .. surely u  will have to lauch the vm with sudo or su - or whever root is..

if u only have 1 disc think 2 times before doit .. tongue

Last edited by elgatofelix (2007-09-02 14:33:22)

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