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Hello forum,
i have been using Archlinux for some months now and so far the only issue is that Mplayer/Vlc seems very unstable. For some time i didn't have any problems but I guess that after upgrading glibc or glib that I experience hard lock ups in the kernel (flashing lights on the keyboard). Only happens when watching movies in mplayer/vlc. No error logs indicating what the problem could be. Anyone experiencing the same?
Running Arch64 (duh...) on a dual opteron 250, xfce4/e17, quadro-fx 1100
Thanks for help,
yes; today vlc kept locking up on my arch64 system...
Good, than it is not just me, sorry tony I hope it gets fixed soon...I recompiled mplayer but it still locks up.
i havent had a problem with this since that day. maybe the new packages are the reason why it works now?
I downgraded my nvidia drivers to version 96xx and now the issue seems to be solved.
not...recompiled ffmpeg, mplayer and now i could watch a vid for more than 40 continuous minutes...the saga continues....
It was probably the upgrade to glibc (8/25/2007) that did this. You'll notice that FFMPEG depends on zlib which in turn depends on glibc. It seems like FFMPEG is the reason why VLC keeps breaking too. It's a little hard to track because FFMPEG keeps happily plugging away.
Well i figured it was due to glibc, it happened before and i was already building/trying a new distro. Luckily the arch linux guys posted a message about the mplayer/flash/firefox/zlib/glibc bug. After the updates it worked again but then there was yet another release of glibc and it broke things again...Guess i should be more carefull with updating.
If i experience more crashes i'll try recompiling zlib, ffmpeg, vlc and mplayer (in that order).
I build FFMPEG from subversion at least once a week, so for me simply rebuilding VLC fixes it. I haven't had to rebuild MPlayer in a very long time.
Thanks for the tips. Will rebuild vlc too. Hope things will turn out stable.
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