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#26 2004-05-19 16:12:19

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Oh brother. Here we go again.  roll  roll

Zephirias, back me up. Tell them this doesn't need discussing!

The devs are *not* going to put everything into testing first, and they do *not* want to increase the number of repositories.

Major packages go into testing. If you want arch to act like Debian... finish the sentence.


#27 2004-05-19 16:36:12

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

That's looks nice. I havn't read it all yet, but I will check it out in the evening.
Good to see that the devs are actually doing something.
Not quiet sure if I get the message  right ,but I should try to keep my mouth shut for a while. :shock: it's going to be tough though.

ps: I wonder if it's going to be a canadian or a US victory in Stanley Cup?   
Flames could take it,after all, Canada invented hockey.

ps2:WTF is prairie logic?

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#28 2004-05-19 17:19:22

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:

Good to see that the devs are actually doing something.

That's worthy of major flaming, but maybe somebody else can do it, I don't have time. wink

Not quiet sure if I get the message  right ,but I should try to keep my mouth shut for a while. :shock: it's going to be tough though.

I know how that goes. wink The hardest part is knowing when to talk and when to keep shut....

ps: I wonder if it's going to be a canadian or a US victory in Stanley Cup?   
Flames could take it,after all, Canada invented hockey.

Yeah, but all the Canadian hockey players play for American teams. sad
but also... all the best players are Canadian. smile (As per Olympic hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: )

ps2:WTF is prairie logic?

Wish Sarah was here. sad

It's the type of logic that justifies living through 6 months of painfully hot drought and 6 months of painfully cold blizzard and 12 months of gale-force winds each year...



#29 2004-05-19 18:46:28

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2004-04-26
Posts: 179

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Dusty, I am backing you up here. I mean, there's not much that really needs to be worked on with Arch at the moment IMO, except for what I feel is most important: the desktop. If we can just start to get some better desktop support for the system without making it too user-friendly, we've hit money. Or, how about we just make a potentially user-friendly distro that is "geeky" by default? Remember, we're still only on version 0.6 currently...but as we're working towards 1.0, we do need to start to get some solid goals going.

"Technically, you would only need one time traveler convention."


#30 2004-05-20 16:45:43

From: Queen's U, Kingston, Canada
Registered: 2004-05-02
Posts: 285

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

freakyc wrote:

I don't think being an Editor necessarily means someone is an expert in the what they are editing. Although admittedly, that was the first thing I thought when I read it too.

I'm sorry, I just got irritated :oops: Maybe next time someone says anything, we should probably ask them what could be done to improve things.

Zephirias wrote:

Arch at the moment IMO, except for what I feel is most important: the desktop. If we can just start to get some better desktop support for the system without making it too user-friendly, we've hit money. Or, how about we just make a potentially user-friendly distro that is "geeky" by default? Remember, we're still only on version 0.6 currently...but as we're working towards 1.0, we do need to start to get some solid goals going.

Either better dektop support, or more games tongue With these, Arch is going to rock yikes


#31 2004-05-21 21:07:51

From: Middle of Canada
Registered: 2002-08-20
Posts: 2,975

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:

Good to see that the devs are actually doing something.

i would have beat you severely for that if i was still working on arch.  i know that several of the devs are very active. i mean really if you don't think they are then just don't update for a few weeks and see.

ps: I wonder if it's going to be a canadian or a US victory in Stanley Cup?   
Flames could take it,after all, Canada invented hockey.

want me to be honest? most of the players on both teams will likely be Canadian. but to me that does not really matter. i want calgary or tampa bay to win because they show signs of being real hockey teams like the dynasties of  NY Islanders, Pittsburg, Edmonton, and Montreal. It has been a really long time since i watched some hockey and actually sawe glimmers of authentically talented players. Shane Donovan is awesome, Conry is one of the most impressive centers i have ever seen. Calgary has speed and skill. I don't see alot of hack and chopping with the stick, clutching and grabbing, or absolutely zero passing skills. It was like the league was in a void of talent for about eight or nine years (with the exception of some detroit and colorado players). The only other displays of teamwork came from the much hated New Jersey. I would love to see Calgary win but in the end i really don't care because generally hockey suck a huge amount of ass anyway.

ps2:WTF is prairie logic?

well there is logic and then there is prairie logic. prairie refers to the southern manitoba, alberta, and saskatchewan.  logic in this area is rather .... different. In fact it can even defy logic. For example your common prairie farmer loves to complain about virtually everything especially how hard done by the government they are. but in the same breath they will "spend" another 100,000 to buy the newest field toy or replace all their 2003 pick ups with 2004 pickups.  basically prairie logic often only will be logical on the prairies.

AKA uknowme

I am not your friend


#32 2004-05-21 21:27:33

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

sarah31 wrote:

ps2:WTF is prairie logic?

For example your common prairie farmer loves to complain about virtually everything especially how hard done by the government they are. but in the same breath they will "spend" another 100,000 to buy the newest field toy or replace all their 2003 pick ups with 2004 pickups.  basically prairie logic often only will be logical on the prairies.

Specifically, on a good year you buy a field toy, on a bad year you buy a truck.



#33 2004-05-22 16:12:01

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Dusty wrote:
sarah31 wrote:

ps2:WTF is prairie logic?

For example your common prairie farmer loves to complain about virtually everything especially how hard done by the government they are. but in the same breath they will "spend" another 100,000 to buy the newest field toy or replace all their 2003 pick ups with 2004 pickups.  basically prairie logic often only will be logical on the prairies.

Specifically, on a good year you buy a field toy, on a bad year you buy a truck.


then this is a very rich country with very rich people

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#34 2004-05-23 21:47:35

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Thanks sarah31 and Dusty for exceptionally good descriptions of prairie logic. That one woud work in Sweden also but I don't know if we got a name for it. We also got farmers complaining about the weather and government all day long even though they all got tractors that are so big so they almost force you  off the road when you meet one.
Prairie logic beats normal logic, if I get it right.

If weather is windy and freezy.
Normal logic say: I'm going to freese.
Prairie logic say: Bah bah bah

sarah31 wrote:

i would have beat you severely for that if i was still working on arch. i know that several of the devs are very active. i mean really if you don't think they are then just don't update for a few weeks and see.

I just love when naughty women talk dirty. But maybe it's best for our relation to keep the distance as it is right now.
I must also admit that things are looking pretty good for arch but it won't hurt with a kick in the butt once in a while.

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#35 2004-05-23 22:07:50

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:

I must also admit that things are looking pretty good for arch but it won't hurt with a kick in the butt once in a while.

hmmm ... kicking a working thing makes the chance to break it bigger

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#36 2004-05-23 22:21:28

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

dp, get a life instead of spending your time harrassing people on this forum.
There must be crawling with girls at Bio-Centrum. Hm hm usually mixing business with pleasure is not a good thing but you can always make exceptions, ecspecially with girls.

Arch is rocking that was a god point.

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#37 2004-05-23 22:43:52

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:

dp, get a life instead of spending your time harrassing people on this forum.
There must be crawling with girls at Bio-Centrum. Hm hm usually mixing business with pleasure is not a good thing but you can always make exceptions, ecspecially with girls.

Arch is rocking that was a god point.

no offense meant - i do not try to harass anybody here ... you know: people on the internet are not real, so there is no point in trying to harass any virtuals :-) [of course, when someone passes basel, and visits me, then we can speak more real-life-way and this person would not be any longer virtual in communication for me]

mixing business with pleasure is a difficult but very interesting thing - and i really like doing interesting things --- especially when girls are involved in :-)

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#38 2004-05-23 23:11:05

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

dp wrote:

you know: people on the internet are not real,

I've been thinking about this too. Is for example Zephirias a 15 year old nerd or is "he" a 55 year old bored woman working in a bank posting on spare times. Cyberspace is a little like twilight zone or quantum physics. smile

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#39 2004-05-24 17:04:21

From: Aarau, Switzerland
Registered: 2003-05-27
Posts: 3,378

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:
dp wrote:

you know: people on the internet are not real,

I've been thinking about this too. Is for example Zephirias a 15 year old nerd or is "he" a 55 year old bored woman working in a bank posting on spare times. Cyberspace is a little like twilight zone or quantum physics. smile

hmm ... at least strings cannot make other strings think they are in another dimension - cyberians can :-)

The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.


#40 2004-06-01 17:15:39

From: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Registered: 2004-02-12
Posts: 17

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

First, let me say something that has become very clear reading this forum, You all are weird!  lol

That said, Arch IS very stable if you only use the Release repository.  If you use Current, Unstable and Testing (as I do), your system is pretty much bleeding edge.  If people would only take the time to RTFM and look the abundance of information on/about Arch Linux, they would be much happier.  The problem with having your system bleeding edge is that sometimes it does "bleed" from minor/major wounds in pkgs, depends issues, etc.  As a newbie who has only been working with Linux since January and Arch since February (of this year), I think Arch is one of the strongest and most up to date distros out there.  The Dev's, TU's and users who contribute to Arch are what make it so strong.  So Judd and co., you all keep up the good work!


#41 2004-06-01 17:49:24

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

martinaramirez wrote:

First, let me say something that has become very clear reading this forum, You all are weird!  lol

Uhoh, the cat's out of the bag now...


#42 2004-06-01 18:36:43

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Maybe we are weird, it's a hard work keeping this forum alive.  wink

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#43 2004-06-01 18:53:35

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:

Maybe we are weird, it's a hard work keeping this forum alive.  wink

and time consuming!


#44 2004-06-28 08:40:46

From: Sweden
Registered: 2004-02-13
Posts: 15

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

I have had some problems with it under my time using Arch, roughly around  7 months.

I think as Lovechild stated that we need to have a release cycle and that we have some "testing" days before packages come out in some sort of a stable state. I think that if we could do that we could iron out some more bugs that people discover.

"Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty." -- Albert Einstein


#45 2004-06-29 02:31:01

From: Medina, OH
Registered: 2004-03-07
Posts: 359

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Arch is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool...  hehe...

I think everything should stay how it is, and we should just sit back, relax, and enjoy some first class Digitally Imported Hardcore European Trance!

If anyone really needs a problem to solve, you could always find me a way to make cheese with my PC... wink

If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
  - John Cage


#46 2004-06-29 15:49:56

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

You haven't figured that out yet?


#47 2004-06-29 20:46:43

From: Pennsylvania, USA
Registered: 2004-04-26
Posts: 179

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

xerxes2 wrote:
dp wrote:

you know: people on the internet are not real,

I've been thinking about this too. Is for example Zephirias a 15 year old nerd or is "he" a 55 year old bored woman working in a bank posting on spare times. Cyberspace is a little like twilight zone or quantum physics. smile

WTF? Of course I'm 15! :evil:  lol

"Technically, you would only need one time traveler convention."


#48 2004-06-29 21:44:08

From: Medina, OH
Registered: 2004-03-07
Posts: 359

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

You haven't figured that out yet?

It's terrible, isn't it?  I just can't understand what it is with my box and dairy products!  They just don't work well together...

If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
  - John Cage


#49 2004-06-29 23:22:22

Forum Fellow
From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2003-01-17
Posts: 1,797

Re: Arch needs a hit. Everyone this way!

Zephirias wrote:
xerxes2 wrote:
dp wrote:

you know: people on the internet are not real,

I've been thinking about this too. Is for example Zephirias a 15 year old nerd or is "he" a 55 year old bored woman working in a bank posting on spare times. Cyberspace is a little like twilight zone or quantum physics. smile

WTF? Of course I'm 15! :evil:  lol

If you ask me, I think it was pretty obvious.

I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal


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