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This has been bugging me for a while, and I'm sure its simple, but what command can I use to launch a linux console using Konsole? I don't want the shell that launches if "konsole" is entered.
This has been bugging me for a while, and I'm sure its simple, but what command can I use to launch a linux console using Konsole? I don't want the shell that launches if "konsole" is entered.
I'm not sure if I understand you..are you wondering how to launch a terminal emulator from a terminal emulator? Or, are you wondering how to get to a runlevel 3 console?
If you want to launch a terminal emulator from konsole, just install a terminal (gnome-terminal, terminal, konsole) and then enter the command to launch it from a konsole seesion.
If you want to enter a runlevel 3 shell, just hit ctrl-alt-F2. To get back to your desktop, hit ctrl-alt-F7.
...or am I misunderstanding you?
I'm a little unclear too, but there is an option for 'New Linux Console' under the 'Session' menu of Konsole.
I am using konsole, and when you launch konsole, it launches a shell by default. Once you are in konsole, you can switch from a shell to a linux console. I was wondering if there is a command to directly launch this linux console (I want to make a shortcut to it, because I prefer the linux console to the shell).
I think that will clear it up a little.
Open Konsole-->
New Linux Console-->
Right click on the Shell tab-->
'Save as Default'
It still says Shell up top, but it opens in the Linux Console.
What is the actual difference betwen a konsole shell and a konsole console? I see none. (?)
Awesome, that works. Thanks.
The issue I have with the shell is even if I change the background to black, it displays all color output with a white background. Some commands have a yellow output, and yellow on white is impossible to read without copying the text and pasting it elsewhere.
What is the actual difference betwen a konsole shell and a konsole console? I see none. (?)
Yeah, what is the difference?
There is none ($SHELL and $TERM are identical). It's just a different color scheme.
Like I said above, I was just having problems with the color scheme in the shell.
Pages: 1